Monday, July 23, 2012

Come join us at our New Blog, Wrestling Enquirer

and dont forget to like Wrestling Enquirer on Facebook!

We are no longer updating this blog or our old Facebook page!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Blog Closed - NEW Blog Opened!

Hey everyone, this blog is Closed and will no longer be updated. please head to our New blog

Also be sure to like our new page on facebook. There is alink on our new blog.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Change Is coming...

Over the next few weeks we will be going through some changes and posting the link to our new site and or blog and we will also have a new Facebook page. We are going through a name and attitude change. We will post more information as we can release it. Thanks and stay tuned.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Wrestlemania in Dallas update

Brett Daniels, spokesman for the Dallas Cowboys Stadium, killed any hopes of Dallas fans of having WrestleMania in the city for the next two years. Speaking to the Dallas Observer, Daniels said that due to other sports scheduled – NCAA Regional in 2013 and Final Four in 2014 – the city won’t be able to host the show at the stadium. “We’ve talked with them and gave it a shot but couldn’t make the schedule work,” Daniels said. Dallas was rumored to be hosting an upcoming WrestleMania after the success of WrestleMania 25 in Houston, Texas. (thanks to Colin Vassallo)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Misc WWE News

- If you haven’t heard yet, Google and Twitter are in a dispute over Google’s new Search Plus feature that searches social networks and has placed Twitter near the bottom of the page in favor of Google+ content. Twitter reps have used search results for “@WWE” to show their concern for Google’s new feature. - Jim Ross said yesterday that it is “absolutely” realistic to think that WrestleMania 28 will be the last time we see The Rock in the ring as an active performer.