Friday, May 20, 2011

BREAKING NEWS! "Macho Man" Randy Savage Dies...


We are all deeply sadened by the news on this Friday Morning of his Death, He was one of the Greatest Wrestlers of all time and will be greatly missed.

Story by

SEMINOLE - World-famous wrestler Randy 'Macho Man' Savage, known for his "Ohh yeah" catch phrase, died after a car accident today in Seminole.

Savage was behind the wheel of his Jeep Wrangler, heading west on State Road 694, around 9:30 this morning. According to the Florida Highway Patrol, the Jeep veered out of control, went over a concrete median, crossed over the eastbound lanes, and collided head-on with a tree near the intersection with 113th St. N.

Savage was rushed to Largo Medical Center, where he died. His 56-year-old wife Lynn was also in the car and suffered minor injuries.

The 58-year-old may have suffered a "medical event" before the crash, according to the accident report., which broke the story, reported that Savage lost control of the Jeep because he had a heart attack.

Savage, whose real name was Randall Mario Poffo, began wrestling with the WWF back in 1985. He became one of the league's most popular stars and was known for his catch phrase: the deep-throated, raspy, over-the-top "Ohhh yeah."

Even non-wrestling fans would likely recognize the line thanks to Savage's frequent appearances in television commercials for Slim Jim beef jerky snacks.

Before his wrestling days, the Ohio native played minor league baseball for several teams. He ended his baseball career with the Tampa Tarpons in 1974.

Savage had just celebrated his one-year anniversary with Lynn, his second wife.

His fellow wrestlers, many of whom also live in the Tampa area, sent their condolences via Twitter. Hulk Hogan had just ended a decade-long feud with Savage and said he was "devastated."

"He had so much life in his eyes & in his spirit, I just pray that he's happy and in a better place and we miss him," tweeted Hogan.

"You were one of my childhood inspirations and heros [sic]. Strength, love and prayers to the Savage/Poffo family," added Dwayne Johnson, better known as 'The Rock.'

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

WWE Talent Required to Purchase insurance (More Info)


According to Mike Johnson, an amendment has recently been made to all of WWE's talent contracts. All performers are now required to purchase and maintain their own medical insurance. The word is that WWE will not be picking up the costs of the insurance.

Johnson also reports that WWE will still be covering the expenses of all surgeries and physical rehabilitation for injuries talents suffer while performing, as well as substance abuse treatment.

The amendment was talked about for months and was planned prior to the announcement that UFC would be providing medical insurance for all of their fighters.

WWE Requiring Talents to Have Insurance, WWE Superstars Update, More

- ECW Original The Blue Meanie turns 38 today while WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka turns 68.

- Yoshi Tatsu vs. Tyson Kidd with Michael Hayes was taped for Thursday’s WWE Superstars before the SmackDown tapings last night in Corpus Christi, Texas.

- Former WWE star Shad Gaspard recently tried out for a role in the new GI Joe movie.

- WWE is now requiring all of their signed talents to personally purchase medical insurance for themselves. WWE won’t be picking up the costs of the insurance but are requiring all talents to have it.

Triple H Advertised for Money in the Bank, WWE Signs ECW Original, More

- Advertised for the pre-Over the Limit WWE Supershow this Saturday in Yakima, Washington is John Cena, Randy Orton and Big Show vs. CM Punk, The Miz and Alberto Del Rio.

- After working a few months now as a referee on various events, WWE has signed ECW Original Nunzio to a referee contract.

- For what it’s worth, Triple H is being advertised for WWE’s Money in the Bank pay-per-view.

- FYE is currently selling a “Bring It” edition of the WrestleMania 27 DVD set that comes with a dog tag for The Rock.

Partial source: PWInsider

Monday, May 16, 2011

WWE RAW Results - May 16, 2011

Live from San Antonio, TX:

by J Wilson

RAW is kicked off with an opening promo by John Cena to his typical mixed reaction. before he can even start, he is cut off by Alex Riley, who tells him to save it because he’s heard it before and has Cena look at a Miz montage consisting of their match at WrestleMania, their match at Extreme Rules and many other times where Miz whipped Cena’s ass.

A Ry then introduces Miz to the typical Cole mark out we’ve come to expect these last months. A Ry talks down to the crowd, saying that they said he didn’t have it. He then hated on the home town San Antonio Spurs for some cheap heat. A Ry says Miz will prove everyone wrong because he will never utter the words “I Quit”.

Cena’s turn to talk, who calls A Ry “as stupid as he is useless”. And says Miz would also never say Miz would pass on Jonas Brothers tickets, that Miz would not stop playing with My Little Pony, and that Miz has testicles. All kidding aside, Cena said he respects Miz but he chose the I Quit match for a reason: fear. He sees fear in The Miz’s eyes. GM intervention time, the anonymous GM says as long that A Ry and Miz aren’t involved, they can pick the match and opponent for Cena tonight. Miz says he doesn’t know Cena’s opponent or the stipulation. But he knows one thing: it’ll be awesome. Cole talks Miz up again while King wonders what Miz will decide.

Time for the first match of the night as Kofi Kingston makes his way out first, he will be facing CM Punk, accompanied by The Nexus tonight. The broadcasters relive last week when CM Punk interfered in Kane/Mason Ryan and got a KO punch for his trouble by Big Show.

Kofi Kingston vs. CM Punk (w/ The Nexus)
Punk starts with a tight headlock then gets a tackle. But the advantage is short lived as Kofi gives him a flying elbow after dodging him twice. Kofi is in control right now but now for long as is drops Kofi’s neck on the top rope. Snapmare and elbows to the chest followed by a cover for two. This is followed by a reverse chin lock. Cover for two. Punk goes to the top rope but gets hit by Kofi. Kofi to the top and a cross body for two. The Nexus stand on the ramp and are antsy. Kofi does his trademark legdrop and looks for Trouble in Paradise but doesn’t get it, Punk tries GTS but gets nothing. Kofi tires to go up to try his punches but Punk anticipates and Kofi falls awkwardly. GTS by Punk for three.


Punk says everyone saw Leadership by example. He says he does things his way and that he won’t stop until all of Nexus is the most dominant force anyone has seen.

Divas competition is up next. Kelly Kelly, who King calls one of the most beautiful of all time. She will be facing off against Brie Bella, the current Divas Champion.

Kelly Kelly vs. Brie Bella
Things start off with Brie in control briefly until Kelly reverses an arm wrench. Then Brie hangs Kelly on the middle rope and Nikki gets a shot in. Brie misses a leg drop and gets spanked followed by her signature hurricanrana and her backflip splash for two. Brie gets an edge but then Kelly slams her and pins her unorthodoxly for three! But then both Bellas double team Kelly Kelly.

WINNER: Kelly Kelly

Uh oh…Kharma is coming. She seems to be eyeing Kelly Kelly but then the Bellas try to knock Kharma down and fail miserably. Kharma asserts her authority, eventually landing an Implant Buster on one of the sisters. Eyes back on Kelly Kelly, who is scared for her life. Kharma grabs her by the chin and picks her up to her feet and flicks her in the head laughing before she leaves the ring.

We are treated to a vignette from “That’s What I Am”.

619 time as Rey Mysterio comes out. Josh Mathews and King relive when R-Truth ambushed Rey. He comes out and talks about R-Truth’s actions the prior week. He talks about knowing how it feels to be passed over but he doesn’t blame others for his problems or flip out when he doesn’t get his way. He wants to handle his business like a man and calls out R-Truth to show him why he didn’t deserve a main event spot.

Yay Commercial Break.

Back on RAW and R-Truth has made no appearance. Instead, Rey gets Alberto Del Rio. Who introduces himself…but of course we already know his name, especially Rey, who he again calls a Chihuahua. He says Rey is the reason he isn’t facing Cena. Says Rey does not deserve to be in the same show as himself because he’s a full-blooded Mexican, unlike the people in San Antonio. He said the US wanted him and gave him everything to come here.

Rey says he won’t let Del Rio disrespect HIS people. He says he is proud to be Chicano and American at the same time. And if R-Truth doesn’t want to show, he has no problem shutting Del Rio up. The match begins!

Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio
ReyRey gets early swings and a hurricanrana after Alberto tries to counter. Rey uses his quickness to his advantage until Del Rio does a top rope arm breaker and a drop kick as we head to a commercial.

We come back and Del Rio is in control. Cover for two. Del Rio continues to work on the arm of ReyRey. Another cover for two. Back to the arm yet again. Rey fights backs back only to get an enziguiri to the skull for two. Rey kicks Del Rio’s legs, but get dropkicked for one. And back to the arm once again with a grounded hammerlock. Rey slow to work to his feet. Elbows to Del Rio’s face and an arm drag. Kick to the chest by Rey and Del Rio gets sent to the outside. All of a sudden, R-Truth starts shouting on a mic distracting him so Del Rio can seemingly get a win but Rey with the high cross body for two! In the corner and a seated splash and a hurricanrana! Goes for a 619 but Ricardo Rodriguez interferes drawing the DQ. Del Rio looks to punish after the fact.


Del Rio goes off but R-Truth takes over and beats ReyRey down then hits a Lie Detector. He asks for a mic and asks Rey what he’s doing. He asks who Rey is to call him out. R-Truth says no one makes the challenges but him. He says this Sunday, Rey is “gonna get got” and proceeds to beat him down before taking off up the ramp.

NEXT: Cole vs. Lawler Contract Signing

Both Michael Cole (with Swagger) and Jerry Lawler are in the ring. Cole welcomes us to the contract signing for his match. He starts taunting Lawler. He says he will only sign the contract if he reiterates the stipulation. Lawler reminds Cole that he never beat him legitimately, but if he DOES win, he will give Cole his ring and personally induct him. Cole signs immediately followed by King. Cole says he believes in full disclosure. He says King didn’t read the contract. The match this sunday is a “Kiss my foot” match…oy….he shows the footage last month of J.R. kissing his foot and then taunts him. Cole then brings up that King has experience kissing feet and shows the 1995 King of the Ring where King has Bret Hart’s foot in his mouth literally. Cole then shows his nasty foot again. King cuts Colt off mid-sentence, and says he couldn’t even compare to Swagger. He doesn’t like Swagger but respects him. But says he should congratulate Cole, because he made Swagger a sidekick. Cole starts spouting off unwisely about Swagger. Swagger doesn’t like that and gets in Cole’s face. What Swagger says is incoherent, but if I had to interpret, I think he said “Cole, you’re on your own this Sunday.” Then Cole tries to warm up to everyone, including King. No one buys it. King says it’s too late, this Sunday, he will stick his foot in Cole’s mouth and close it for good! Loud Jerry chants and crying from Cole close this segment.

Kane and Big Show are in action….NEXT!

King pokes fun at Cole, who doesn’t find any humor in the situation that just transpired. We’re ready for Tag Team action as the Champions make their way to the ring. A match has been made official, the Champions vs. CM Punk and Mason Ryan for the Championships this Sunday. But tonight, the Champions get McGillicutty and Otunga.

Kane & Big Show vs. David “A-List” Otunga & Michael McGillicutty
Kane and McGillicutty start. Kane understandably starts with the advantage with some clotheslines and slams. First cover for two. Tag to Big Show who gives McGillicutty a big chop followed by another. Irish whip, McGillicutty. kicks him and tries to cut Big Shows legs out. Otunga tags in and keeps Big Show down. Cover for one. McGillicutty tags in and gets nearfalls. Otunga back in keeping each other fresh. McGillicutty back in with a leg lock. Show uses his free leg to slam McGillicutty to the mat. Otguna tagged in again. Nexus playing smart, keeping Big Show down. But then Show grabs Otunga’s throat but is countered, but recountered and both men are down. Otunga tries to keep Show away but gets the tag to Kane as McGillicutty gets in. Turnbuckle Clothesline and Sidewalk Slam gets two. Kane to the top rope and gets his Clothesline. The Chockeslam is coming as he boots Otunga. Mason Ryan tries to intervene and gets KOd by Big Show but Punk distracts him which gets Nexus a steal.

WINNERS: David Otunga & Michael McGillicutty

The announcers plug WWE AllStars real quick. Then run down the card.

Kane and Show talk about what just happened. Show calls him and Kane the Alpha and Omega. Kane says this Sunday won’t be Punks redemption or salvation, it will be his and Nexus’s annihilation.

NEXT: Cena’s match vs. his mystery opponent


Miz comes out first, looks like the opponent and stip will be announced first. The match will be No Holds Barred. He has Cena get out, which he does. Swagger comes out of nowhere and assaults John Cena, who is his opponent.

No Holds Barred
John Cena vs. Jack Swagger
Swagger gets an early advantage and rips Cenas shirt over him. Cena gets a brief advantage but then Swagger beats him down. Swagger just powers John Cena and nails a vader bomb for two as the final break is taken.

Cena is still at a disadvantage after the break. Over the break, Cena was tossed around outside as we are reminded the stipulation is No Holds Barred. Swagger whips Cena into the exposed railing then rolls him in for two. Swagger uses a chair for two. Swagger sets a chair on Cena’s chest, looking for a Vader bomb, hitting it for two. Swagger puts the chair in the corner between turnbuckles but Cena comes back like Superman and starts the shoulder tackles but Swagger hits a powerslam for two. Ankle lock is clinched in the center of the ring. Cena rolls through! Swagger charges and his head meets the chair as both me. And Cena builds momentum with his signature shoulder tackles and spin out powerbomb. He tells Miz “you can’t see me” but Swagger sees a five knuckle shuffle and gets hit with an Attitude Adjustment with an STF which makes Swagger tap.

WINNER: John Cena

Miz tells Cena to enjoy tonight, because on Sunday he will feel disappointment. There are many ways to make a human say I Quit. Miz describes many scenarios which could make Cena say those two words. But he says all the things he listed, he won’t use. He said he found a way to make Cena quit that he never seen before and guaranteed that he will be the new WWE Champion. He asks Cena why he looks at him, as if he doesn’t believe what Miz says. Cena gets A Ry but then meets the pipe. But then Cena turns the tables like superman causing both to retreat. He tells Miz to bring his million ways to make him quit, and bring a million more, because this Sunday he will make Miz say “I Quit”! The two competitors this Sunday stare bullets as the show comes to a close.

5/16 WWE Tough Enough Recap

by J Wilson

The camera shows AJ making his way back in the house. AJ explains the situation to everyone else, and they were surprised to say the least. AJ admits that tomorrow is going to be a long day and says he is dedicated to showing the trainers that they made the right decision keeping him around.

The next morning Trish and Christina are doing yoga while Trish tries to get her to open up as she is worried about Christina being the last female recruit. Trish says she knows Christina is working hard and believes that she can make it.

Its Daily Training time, time again to find out the week’s life lesson. Bill tells Christina that he’s proud of her. The recruits are doing moves in the ring when Austin comes out. The week’s lesson is creativity in move execution. Bill has the recruits do their take on a fireman’s carry as well as an arm drag. AJ, however, is still showing timidness. The trainers catch Jeremiah losing his focus as well.

We’re brought back to daily training as the recruits practice being thrown out of the ring. Austin is pissed about everyone because he isn’t satisfied with how they do so. Booker then shows them all how to throw someone out. Trish comments on the situation saying everyone was being “deadasses”. Then, Luke is rocketted out of the ring by Andy, which drew a LOT of heat from the trainers. Bill said they wasted his and their time. Austin tells them all to get lost.

Back at the house, Andy is on a TE laptop looking at a video of his little daughter, which brightened his crap day a bit. Then he called his wife and talked to her a bit. He knows its tough on her, but he’s in competition for a reason.

The TE compound is paid a visit by Kelly Kelly, Eve, and the Bella Twins, much to the surprise of the guys; seeing them enter their domain. The divas give Christina some compliments on how she is doing, which she appreciates. The recruits are taken into their limo and out to dinner in an upscale Chinese restaurant. All of them have a good time, Luke does a bit of drinking, Jeremiah talks about how far he’s come, Christina talks more about how far she’s come, which impressed Kelly Kelly. AJ talks about his recent shortcomings. One of the Bellas makes it clear that its important to make himself get noticed in a good way. Then Jeremiah gets smacked…twice! Then Luke gets smacked and the two guys playfully smacked each other. This segment ends with a toast from Martin.

Next day, the recruits are brought to THQ HQ to create their own dynamic superstar profile, which they seemed to have fun with. Now they get to talk about it. Jeremiah is first, his is “The Natural”, Christina named her character Mikayla. Jeremiah was a clear winner. AJ came up with Jaxon Crash, while Luke chose “Legend”. Hope he doesn’t run into Randy Orton. AJ explains that he was thinking of a metal head. Luke explains that he learned not everything is about moves. Martin went with a Warrior look alike while Andy went with a character named Silent Rage, a homage to everything in his mind. He asks the THQ rep who he would bring into his next game and chose Luke. Austin dismisses the crew for more ass kicking by the trainers

We come back and its a night time training session. Jeremiah is of the impersonation that everyone, including himself, needed it. AJ once again was not showing anything new to the trainers, which pisses them off. All of a sudden, a pop and Martin went down fast. He sees a medic, he hurts the inside of his ankle. Bill showed a genuine concern because Martin can’t even stand on it at first. He is taken by the medic to a local hospital while he worries about his standing in the competition.

In the morning, Martin had not come back yet. Luke shows legitimate concern for him, but that doesn’t change how he is going to perform in today’s skills challenge. The recruits do calisthenics as Martin comes in on crutches. The diagnosis is….he fractured his ankle and the doctors won’t clear him for competition. Its tough to see him go out like this, and you can tell this wasn’t what he wanted. Austin summons him into his office. He says he hates to see Martin leave and talks about when he was really worried about being able to come back from injury. He tells Martin that if wrestling is his passion, he’ll be able to continue.

Austin pointed to the wall of belts and said he took everyone else’s belts because they couldn’t hack it, but he’s not gonna do that. Austin let Martin hang it up himself, it would be the only time he did that for anyone. Martin swears that he’ll be back. Everyone gave him a standing ovation, which meant a lot to him. He said godwilling, he’ll be able to rebound, and is glad that he was able to leave the competition and not have to quit or be ejected.

Five people remain, but Martin’s injury does not stop today’s skills challenge. They have 2 minutes to demonstrate everything that they’ve learned, with one move from the top rope. AJ and Christina are first, Bill tells Christina to own this and he believes in her. Chrstina appears to cominate the whole match even giving AJ a bodyslam with a slap right after. Top rope move she does is a double axe handle…but then she landed bad….this isn’t good. Bill blames it solely on AJ. Austin calls for no elimination tonight and tells everyone to leave. One thing is for sure, AJ needs to go….

5/15 WWE House Show - Austin, TX

Location: Frank Erwin Center, Austin, TX

- Battle Royal for an IC title match. Winner: Ezekial Jackson

- Natalya and AJ from NXT over Rosa Mendes and Alicia Fox

- Daniel Bryan defeated Tyson Kidd.

- Rey Mysterio defeated Cody Rhodes via the 619.

- IC title match: Ezekial Jackson d. Wade Barrett via DQ

- Kane and The Great Khali over Just Gabriel and Heath Slater via DQ

- World Heavyweight title match: Randy Orton defeated Christian and Sheamus

Don West Comments on Jeff Hardy, Ring Breaks at TNA Show, Tapings Tonight

- TNA will tape iMPACT Wrestling tonight from Orlando. The only confirmed happening for tonight’s tapings is Mr. Anderson’s “special surprise” for World Champion Sting going into their match at Slammiversary.

- At this weekend’s TNA live event in Monroe, LA, the ring broke during the opening match with Abyss vs. Kazarian. TNA officials and members of the ring crew came down to fix the ring while Don West and SoCal Val threw out free merchandise for around 20 minutes.

- A fan asked Don West during the opener at TNA’s live event this weekend when Jeff Hardy would be back. West, on the microphone, responded that hopefully Jeff would be back as soon as possible but right now he’s sick and they’re focused on getting him better.

WWE Using Another Legend as a Manager?, Former Diva Misses Her Return, More

- Carl sent word that indy wrestling promotion CWE will have an un-official WWE after-party on May 27th in Winnipeg, Canada at the 4Play Sports Bar. The bar is right across the street from the MTS Center where WWE will hold a live event earlier that night.

- Former WWE Diva Jillian Hall was scheduled to make her return to the ring at this past Friday’s FWE show in Brooklyn, New York but backed out of the booking due to personal reasons, reports Diva Dirt.

A message aired from Jillian at the start of the show where she apologized for not being there but began to sing a Britney Spears song. TNA Knockout Winter, who was scheduled to face Jillian, came out to face Jillian’s replacement – TNA’s Rosita. Christy Hemme ended up being the special referee as Winter defeated Rosita.

- During recent discussions to use managers in WWE, officials also discussed using Arn Anderson as a manager in addition to Michael Hayes, who is managing Tyson Kidd. No word yet on who Anderson might manage if they decide to use him in that role.

MVP Becomes IWGP IC Champ, SmackDown News, Diva Represents WWE, Godfather

- Former WWE star Charles “The Godfather” Wright turns 50 years old today.

- Stan sent word that there was 39 minutes and 11 seconds of in-ring action on this past Friday’s SmackDown, up from 34 minutes and 21 seconds on last week’s show.

- WWE sent SmackDown Diva Alicia Fox to Texas this past week to represent them at Time Warner’s cable upfront presentations.

- Former WWE Superstar MVP became the first-ever New Japan Pro Wrestling Intercontinental Champion yesterday in Philadelphia as NJPW finished its “East Coast Invasion” tour. MVP defeated Toru Yano in the tournament finals.

WWE Stars Grant Their First Wishes, New WWE Video Game in Development

– Every Friday for the next two weeks, @WWEGames on Twitter will release a mysterious anagram that are designed to give fans hints about a new WWE video game before it’s announced. If fans can figure out the anagram and tweet it to @WWEGames with the hashtag #WWEGames, they become eligible to win WWE prizes. The first anagram released this past Friday was “Oh singing mecca.”

No word yet on the new WWE video game that’s currently in development but they give the impression that it’s something different than another SmackDown vs. RAW game.

- John Morrison met a 13 year old fan of his from the Kids Wish Network before WWE’s Extreme Rules pay-per-view a few weeks back. This was the first time that Morrison had been requested by a kid getting a wish granted.

Sin Cara also recently granted his first wish as a WWE Superstar as he met a fan from the Make-A-Wish Foundation at a recent WWE event in Orlando, Florida. Cara spoke to the fan through a translator and told the following: “I love being with the public. I feel that it’s my duty to give back to them. I’m very proud and honored that a child would ‘Make-A-Wish’ to meet me.”

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Stone Cold comments on In Ring Return rumors

Credit: The UK Sun

During a recent interview with the UK Sun, WWE Hall of Famer Stone Cold Steve Austin put rumors of a possible return to wrestling to rest and has insisted that he has no intention of getting back into the ring as an active wrestler.

Ever since he became involved with the revamped WWE Tough Enough, rumors were abound that Austin would be rejoining WWE as a wrestler again due to his involvement with the show. Here is what Austin had to say:

"I'm happy being gone and out of the business to the degree I am, that's why the Tough Enough thing was such a great opportunity between my other projects. I can be as hands-on and as close as I want to be. I'm not attempting to come back and I have a load of memories from a business I love."

"I got up there and took some bumps with one of the contestants and worked around with one of the guys and I had fun getting in the ring and bouncing around again."

"But it doesn't mean I want to go and do it again on a night in, night out basis."

Austin has also stated that he will continue to focus on his acting career.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Two Matches Confirmed for WWE’s Over the Limit PPV

- The following matches were confirmed on RAW last night for WWE’s Over the Limit pay-per-view on May 22nd from the Key Arena in Seattle, Washington:

I Quit Match for the WWE Title

The Miz vs. John Cena

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole

If Cole wins, Lawler must surrender his WWE Hall of Fame ring.

WWE RAW and Tough Enough Ratings, Taker/HHH Chair Shot Left on DVD, More

- Former WWE Diva Jillian Hall returns to the ring for the FWE Wrestling promotion this coming Friday in Brooklyn, New York against TNA’s Winter. Jay Lethal vs. Eric Young is the main event.

- Last night’s episode of WWE Tough Enough scored a 1.64 rating with 2,471,000 viewers. The replay that aired after RAW scored a 1.14 rating with 1,631,000 viewers.

- Last night’s WWE RAW did a 3.2 rating with 4,942,000 viewers, a drop from recent weeks. This week’s show did hours of 3.09 and 3.27.

- It’s interesting to note that Triple H’s chairshot to The Undertaker at WrestleMania 27 was not edited off of the DVD that comes out today. Both Superstars were reportedly fined for the spot.

RAW Match Planned for WWE Over the Limit, Visitor at RAW, John Cena

- John Cena wrote the following after last night’s RAW: “Got to punish a ry. Set and I quit match for over the limit with miz. But nothing beat the fist pumping broski. Thanks for the lesson zack.”

- Former WCW star Bunkhouse Buck was backstage at last night’s RAW in Tennessee. He recently appeared on WWE TV in the role of Jack Swagger’s father.

- In addition to The Miz vs. John Cena in an I Quit Match for the WWE Title and Michael Cole vs. Jerry Lawler, R-Truth vs. Rey Mysterio is also booked for WWE’s Over the Limit pay-per-view.

John Morrison’s injury caused changed to the storylines as Truth vs. Morrison and Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio was originally booked. No word yet on where Del Rio will end up on the card.

Monday, May 9, 2011

WWE Raw Results - May 9, 2011

Live from Knoxville, TN:

Alberto Del Rio opens the show by making his way to the ring. Del Rio, The Miz (with Alex Riley), Rey Mysterio and R-Truth come out to plead their cases as too whom should get the WWE title shot at John Cena at the 5/22 PPV. R-Truth did note that John Morrison underwent surgery today due to an injury he caused. The RAW GM chimed in and said three were deserving – The Miz, Del Rio, and Mysterio. Yep, R-Truth screwed again. Threat match to determine who faces Cena for the WWE Title at Over the Limit – Miz vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Del Rio.

Raw comes back from commercial the Divas are in action in a tag team match, Kelly Kelly and Eve against the Bella, the Match is really back and forth ending with Kelly Kelly getting the Roll up for the victory. The bell rings and Kharma comes out onto the ramp. The Bellas make a run for the back. Kelly Kelly runs and Eve tries to get an attack off but gets leveled. Karma chases off Kelly Kelly and gets back in the ring and hits Eve with a modified piledriver (if anyone has a name for this move please let me know) Karma goes to the back and we see a scene of Big show and Kane going to the ring as Raw goes to commercial.

Out next as Raw comes back from commercial is Mason Ryan. We see video of the nexus attack of Big Show and Kane and they show how Ryan speared show last week. Out next is Kane accompanied by Big Show.

Kane w/ Show vs. Mason Ryan w/ CM Punk.

Both men hook up in the center of the ring and Mason Ryan gets the upper hand before a brief exchange that Ryan gets the better of out of the corner. Mason hit a shoulder block and a corner slam before getting a two count. Kane nails some punches before a kick levels Ryan for a two count. CM punk goes for the distraction before Show catches him with a knockout punch. Nexus is out for the DQ and the match was thrown out. Show and Kane clean house and catch Mason Ryan with a double Chokeslam. They show Punk on the floor knocked out cold. Show and Kane head to the back and they plug Cena being on Raw as Champ as Raw goes to commercial.

Santino is out at the start of the next Segment next out is the “New and Improved” Dolph Ziggler Dolph is pretty much dominating the match before Santino catches Ziggler with a push and arm drag. He sets up for the Cobra and Ziggler catches a drop kick and follows it up with a Zig Zag for the 1..2…3 Next they plug the Triple Threat #1 contenders match for later tonight as Raw goes to commercial.

Next they show the Smackdown Rebound. How Christan won the title and defended (and lost) the title to Randy Orton. (If I must say so myself, unless something changes Smackdown was way better then Raw, and I haven’t said that in god knows how long) Josh Matthews says how it’s not fair Christan had to defend his title and they plug Friday’s show. R-Truth is walking through the back mad as hell, R-Truth is saying how he’s getting letters from parents to go back face. He says fans all over the world take him serious and that it is all a conspiracy. R truth makes Scott Stafford say What’s up as he walks out. John Cena is shown with Zack Ryder before walking toward the ring as Raw goes to commercial.

Raw comes back showing last week’s Title match, how the Miz won, and how the Ref reversed the call once he found out Miz Cheated. Back Live, It shows Alex and Miz in the back, Alex explains his plan about how he set it all up to help Miz use the title last week. Miz says he’s stupid and scolds Alex for hugging him and raising the wrong hand. Alex says sorry. Miz says Alex doesn’t have brains, no no, that he has muscles but the brain of a monkey. Alex says he’ll make it up to the Miz, tells him to Watch this. Alex is shown walking through the hallway, Alex Riley comes out live he slides into the ring. King and Cole Exchange some words.

Alex starts to address the crowd telling them he doesn’t care what they think and the only person he cares about is the Miz. Alex challenges John Cena to a match. Alex baits Cena out by downplaying his own strength. Alex throws the mic after calling out Cena, who answers the challenge. We’re going to have a actual match between John Cena and Alex Riley.

Alex Riley vs. John Cena.

They start the match by plugging John Cena’s decision later tonight for the stipulation at over the limit. The crowd starts to chant Cena as the bell rings. Cena catches A-Ri with a drop toe hold. Cena gets a decent set of wrestling moves to start. Alex goes for a kick that Cena reverse , Alex gets up and begins to build a little momentum with a few closelines and a pounding. A Ri gets the back drop and the near fall. Riley isn’t letting up locking in a sleeper hold on Cena. Cena is trying to get up and does reversing it into two shoulder blocks followed by a back drop and a Five Knuckle Shuffle. Miz walks out onto the ramp as Cena nails the AA on Riley. Cena picks up Riley again and hits a second AA while staring at Miz then locks in the STF as Riley Taps and Miz looks on. Cena never takes his eyes off Cena as Cole plugs the Triple Threat Match later tonight as Raw goes to commercial.

Micheal Cole is about to make his Major announcement. He says he publicly announcing that he is retiring as in an in ring competitor (Too bad it wasn’t from the booth) King interrupts him. Cole lays down the rules about how if King touches him he will be fired. King talks about how last week the Rock laid down the Smackdown on Cole’s Candy ass, They show the video of the Rock laying out Cole. Back live, King says if Cole is inducted into the Hall of Fame life would cease to exists. King says if Cole beats him in another match, King would induct Cole into the Hall of Fame and give Cole his ring. Cole refuses and locks himself in the glass box. He bashes Tennessee saying they’re sore losers. WHAT… Cole says GORGE BUSH WAS THE GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER! Alright… this makes me sad. Cole goes on about how King lost and Cole said his mind was made up yesterday and how he spent mother’s day with his mom and how they watched the Wrestlemania tape over and over Cole makes another Mom comment to Jerry and asks him what he did for Mothers Day. He then apologizes and says it’s insensitive about how Jerry’s mom died in February. King goes after Cole and Swagger attacks him from behind and bounces him off the ring post. Both Cole and Swagger stand there and call as Raw goes to commercial.

Next is the United States Championship match between Jack Swagger and Kofi Kingston. Swagger goes for the Ankle lock and Kingston rolls through goes for Trouble in Paradise and misses. There is a good mat based exchanged, Cole made the comment that Swagger made the Ankle Lock famous. Kingston knocks Swagger out of the ring and when he goes to jump over Jack slides in, Kofi catches himself on the apron and Jack catches him with a boot as Raw goes to commercial.

Raw comes back and Swagger still is in control. Swagger puts Kingston in the corner and then tries slapping him before going for the big splash and Kingston blocks it goes for T.I.P but misses, he follows it up with a HUGE crossbody and gets the two count. Kingston goes over the top and skins the cat where Swagger catches hm with the Ankle lock. Swagger goes back to work on the leg and Kingston gets the separation where Swagger catches him in the corner and throws him out where Kingston lands but falls. Jerry comes back out and causes the distraction for Kingston to pick up the win with the Trouble in Paradise, King throws swagger over the barricade then King gets Cole tie through the mini hole in the glass box and bounces his head off it repeatedly. Technically King never “touched” Cole so it was all legal, then Swagger accepts Kings Challenge for earlier. Cole is shown freaking out as the crowd starts chanting Jerry and he is shown on the Table as Raw goes . Next, they plug the “That’s what I am” Movie staring Randy Orton. They then Plug the triple threat Number One contenders match that’s up next as Raw then goes to commercial.

Next is the triple threat number one contenders match out is Alberto first, then Rey Mysterio two of the three men in tonight’s Main event. Alberto bails as Rey hits the ring. Out last is the Miz, without Alex Riley shockingly. The three men in three separate corners Rey is getting the upper hand, Rey knocks both of them into the ropes and goes for the 619 and is blocked by Alberto. Rey gets thrown out of the ring, Miz and Alberto have an exchange before Rey slides in, catches Alberto with a senton and gets the nearfall. Alberto ends up in the corner with Alberto and the Miz follows up with a Big Clothesline and boot combination to both Rey and Alberto. The Miz starts grounding Rey but Rey gets the reversal and starts to develop some offense as Miz is in position for the 619 and Del Rio caught him again. Rey goes off the opposite rope and goes for a slingshot but it’s blocked. Rio and Miz have an exchange in the middle of the ring. All three men are shown on the ground as Raw goes to commercial.

We come back and Miz is trying to get back in the Ring while Del Rio has the better of Rey. Del Rio goes for the whip into the corner, Rey reverses shoots out and goes for some speed and Rio gets the backbreaker, then he drives Miz into the post before resuming his assault on Rey. Rey starts to get some space by throwing elbows which Rio awnswers with a kick, he goes for a shot off the rope and Miz pulls down the top rope following it up with roll up on Rey who rolls through and catches a huge kick and a near fall. Miz baits Rey into the corner and throws him into the corner. Miz goes for another clothesline that Rey counters, Rio pulls Miz out of the ring and Rey comes over the top with a flip. All three men are down outside. Rio gets back in the ring and Rey hits a sliding dropkick on Miz. Rio gets up and Rey gets a senton followed up by a big springboard splash for a loud two count. Rio goes for the reversal that Rey ducks under and catches him with a Huracanranna. Miz climbs to the top turnbuckle to a huge pop, Rey throws Rio into Miz then catches him with a Huracanranna. Rio spins out of nowhere and locks Rey in the Cross Armbreaker. Miz comes back from nowhere and goes for a kick that Rio avoids, grabs Miz with the Roll up and gets the Nearfall. Miz ends up outside the ring and Riley reappears trying to wake up the Miz, Rey catches Rio with a 619 and a splash. Riley pulls out Rio and Miz slides in out of nowhere to get the roll up win.

This match was definitely the match of the night and was amazing by all standards. While I’m glad Miz got the win, I wish he would have done it on his own for once. The two make it back up the ramp and Cena comes out and congratulates Miz, He says that there will be no excuses in his match with Miz, Cena announces that his WWE Championship match with Miz will be an “I Quit” Match. The camera pans back to the ring as R Truth comes from nowhere to lay out Rey as Raw goes off Air.

What happened when RAW went off the air?!

From Alicia:

Dark Match

The Miz calls out John Cena and said he calls the shots and he wants his title match now. Cena wins and sings Rocky Top and Michael Cole comes out and insults Knoxville. Cena sings again to send home the crowd happy.

Steve Austin’s Return to RAW Confirmed

- Steve Austin is being locally advertised for a special appearance on the 6/13 Monday Night RAW taping at the Nassau Coliseum in Long Island, NY.

The appearance is timed with the end of Tough Enough’s season. The TE finale is 6/6. The 6/13 RAW in Long Island is the first of two back to back 3 hour RAW shows

Cole gets Smashed! on Raw

The king just did this to Cole on Monday Night RAW

Tell us what you think and how much you liked it.

WWE Tough Enough Recap

Luke comes in and greets Jeremiah and reflects on his close call, calling what Austin did adding fuel to the fire. Christina and Ivelisse talk with one another. Christina is convinced that her mission is to call Ivelisse on “her sh*t”.

Daily training time as Bill leads the recruits in calisthenics. He comments that the top and the bottom haven’t been differentiated. Booker gets on Eric’s case after he appears to be gassed. Bill gets on the ladies’s case. In comes Austin, this week’s theme is focus. Said he could have the worst day but when it comes to it, he gives the people what they paid for. Christina defined her appearance in the bottom three as a wake up call. The recruits go through body slamming drills. Jeremiah, spits blood after his performance, which Bill attributes to his competitive nature. AJ shows Trish that he has not really progressed.

Its time for elbow drop drills. Eric and Ive have some slight issues. Ive blames it on Christina injuring her, which Booker T sees through. Christina, meanwhile, impresses the trainers. Recruits get dismissed after a good day of training, but Bill doesn’t see Ive and think she’s ready to quit. Ive denies that she wants to quit and describes her injury more. Booker tells her she has a decision to make.

COMING UP: The week’s life lesson in practice

The recruits are brought to a ropes course. Austin introduces John Morrison, who describes focus as everything that surrounds everything that is done. Austin sets everyone free on the course. Austin guarantees someone is gonna fall. Martin falls, but not in the way he thought, because he finished. The camera focuses on Ive, who shows to be struggling through the entire ordeal. JoMo decides to climb up to give her some words of encouragement, she almost makes it when she falls. JoMo keeps encouraging her, which she appreciated. Andy shows a new appreciation for the life lesson. Eric gets tied up on the floating bridge while Christina catches and passes him. Eric continues to struggle through much of the course as he seems to have given up as Austin sends up someone to get him down. JoMo parts by saying don’t worry about what you can’t do, focus on what you can.

Time for today’s skills challenge. Austin describes today’s challenge, “cop a squat”. Bill has the competitors get on the top rope and do squats with their hands behind their heads. Andy gets pissed at himself when he shows that he could not accomplish anything. Martin cans his streak as he puts his hands on Bill by mistake. AJ is eliminated early from his heat and Eric shows trouble as well.

The final four (Jeremiah, Ive, Christina, and Luke) are put up on the top as Andy and Eric run the ropes. They will go till two are left. Luke and Jeremiah are the final two. Back to bag drills. Jeremiah seems to lose focus as Luke shows up and dominates. Austin is impressed by his rebound as Austin and the trainers discuss what they have to discuss.

They start by discussing Jeremiah. Booker says he refuses to lose and says he has impressed him more than anyone, but Bill is afraid that he has reached his plateau. They also say good words about Luke, who rebounded. They are concerned about Andy, but are aware he probably wont do much on the top-rope. They show more concern about Eric, who seems to be getting worse. They also mention Ive, who Booker says is making sure to point out that she is hurt. Bill thinks that Christina has the spark she needed. Bill feels AJ is just happy to be here.

This week’s bottom three are: Eric (2nd appearance), Ivelisse, AJ

AJ feels comfortable where he is. Eric thinks he has improved and will have a better chance of staying than Ive. Ive looks at her swollen quad. I think Austin sends her home tonight.

Eric, AJ and Ivelisse enter the training room ring and Austin makes his grand entrance. Immediately he focuses on AJ. Austin tells AJ that he has had better days. AJ says he wants to be one of the best in the world. Austin says he isn’t a miracle worker. He calls AJ the kind of person that would be a good neighbor, but he wants to know why he should pay money to see AJ. AJ says he wants to inspire in means indescribable, which Austin calls good bullshit. Austin asks if this is a dream of his, why hasn’t AJ impressed him?

Eric is next. Austin points out his conditioning hasn’t improved. Eric feels the training workouts are getting harder and that he’s giving it his all. Austin brings back the memories of the ropes course. He says Eric could be somebody, but he could be nobody too. its up to him to take the ball and run with it.

Which brings us to Ivelisse. He asks her to rate her pain, which she puts at about an 8. Austin says if it wasn’t for Ive’s leg, she wouldn’t be in the bottom three. He says he has to do what he has to do. She gives the belt up, as much as it kills her to. Austin wishes Ive luck. But Austin said he isn’t done. He eyes AJ and Eric. He asks AJ if he wants to give him the belt and says he’d have to take it from him. He tells AJ hes coming to the end of his rope. He tells Eric it takes someone special to be in the ring, that he has to want it. He says he doesn’t want to go home, to which Austin says its too bad because he’s sent out.

He tells AJ that if tonight doesn’t light a fire under his ass, he doesn’t know what will. Ive is sad about going because of her injury, but is glad she never failed. Eric felt like he failed and let his family down and said that he was going to keep at it.

News & Notes

- Scheduled for the FCW event in Kissimmee, Florida on July 22nd are Sheamus, The Uso Twins, Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov. The show starts at 7pm.

- Super Luchas reports this week that EMLL will debut their new Mistico this coming Friday night at their Arena Mexico show, the same night that WWE will be in town with the former Mistico, Sin Cara.

- Stan sent word that there was 34 minutes and 21 seconds of in-ring action on this past Friday’s SmackDown, down from the previous week’s 36 minutes and 31 seconds.

- WWE officials have been surprised at the uproar of criticism from fans after Christian lost the World Heavyweight Title to Randy Orton. Officials weren’t expecting there to be such a backlash against Orton.

- John Morrison will be appearing at the FYE store on Massachusetts Avenue in Washington, DC on June 19th at 11am. The signing is open to the first 200 fans and a wristband policy is in effect. Wristbands will be given to the first 200 attendees that purchase the WrestleMania 27 DVD/Blu-ray or the John Morrison: Rockstar DVD.

- WWE has replaced their “50 Biggest Matches in WWE History” DVD set with a new set called “50 Most Shocking, Surprising & Amazing Moments in WWE History”, scheduled for release on August 23rd in DVD and Blu-ray formats.

- In an update on the story about Mick Foley wanting to appear at last week’s RAW for The Rock’s birthday, Foley actually heard weeks before that there would be a birthday party for The Rock on RAW and was interested in going and being a part of it in some way. Foley thought the party would be on the April 18th RAW and he had a TNA appearance that night that was canceled. So Foley asked if he could attend the April 18th RAW, which was actually in London, thinking it was in Miami.

About an hour later, Foley found out that he had the dates mixed up and that Rock’s birthday celebration was scheduled for May 2nd. Foley already knew he was scheduled for iMPACT tapings on May 2nd and the story ends there. Foley did ask TNA’s Dixie Carter and Terry Taylor if he could go to RAW when he thought it was on April 18th and was reportedly given permission.

WWE Studios Announces a New Horror Movie

- The following was sent out:

Pathe And WWE Partner on “No One Lives”

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Pathe UK and WWE Studios today announce that they have partnered to co-finance and distribute NO ONE LIVES, written by David Cohen, and to be directed by visionary genre director Ryuhei Kitamura (THE MIDNIGHT MEAT TRAIN).

“WWE Studios maintains a flexible business model that allows us to seek out partners to co-finance, produce and distribute films of all genres to appeal to our fans’ wide array of film tastes”

The picture stars Luke Evans (THE THREE MUSKETEERS, IMMORTALS, THE RAVEN) and will begin principal photography in New Orleans on June 13th.

The producers are Elton Brand and Harry Knapp for Milk & Media and Kami Naghdi for Constance Media.

A ruthless criminal gang takes a young couple hostage and goes to ground in an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere. When the captive girl is killed, the tables are unexpectedly turned. The gang finds itself outsmarted by an urbane and seasoned killer determined to ensure that no one lives…

NO ONE LIVES is a smart and original horror movie with at its heart a killer in the grip of a dark and twisted love affair.

Cameron McCracken, Managing Director of Pathe UK, said: “It was impossible to resist Ryuhei’s passionate vision for this project and his desire to create an iconic anti-hero for our times. WWE Studios have been ideal partners and we look forward to many other shared ventures!”

“WWE Studios maintains a flexible business model that allows us to seek out partners to co-finance, produce and distribute films of all genres to appeal to our fans’ wide array of film tastes,” said Michael Luisi, EVP Business Development, WWE. “Teaming up with Pathe is the perfect example. We look forward to co-producing ‘No One Lives’ with one of the leaders in the industry.”

Harry Knapp, Producer, said; “We are thrilled at the prospect of working with Luke, one of the most talented actors of his generation. We know he is going to create a truly memorable villain!”

Pathé Distribution will distribute the film in France; and Twentieth Century Fox will distribute the film in the UK on Pathe’s behalf. Pathe International will handle international sales.

Top Raw superstar needs neck surgery

John Morrison via Twitter:

I’m about to get an operation to fix my neck- I will return @RonKillings

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Last Call for Scott Hall

Story Courtesy of Mike Mooneyham (

Dana Hall wrote a very public letter 13 years ago to her ex-husband, pro wrestling star Scott Hall, pleading with him to seek help for his substance abuse issues and to mend fences with his family.

Thirteen years later, she now fears time is running out for the man once known as pro wrestling’s “Bad Guy.”

“Nothing has changed since my letter of 13 years ago, except things have gotten worse. Scott is no longer famous; he is infamous,” says Dana Hall, who has crafted a new letter in hopes of saving the father of their two children.

Hall, once regarded as one of pro wrestling’s top attractions, has seen his career — and his life — spiral out of control since his days as WWE’s Razor Ramon and later as a member of The Kliq and The NWO.

The volatility surrounding his professional life has paled in comparison to the often destructive behavior Hall has displayed outside the squared circle. For years his well-documented string of automobile accidents, chemical dependency problems, rehabs and relapses made him the dubious favorite in a macabre dead wrestlers pool.

Numerous attempts to get back into the higher end of the wrestling business have been unsuccessful. Hall was released from TNA last June after he was charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

Scott Hall

Hall, 53, has become a tragic figure whose life has been played out in both wrestling angles and real-life situations.

He continues to, in his own words, “chase demons.”

His erratic behavior found its way into the ring recently during an independent show in Massachusetts. Hall was billed as the headline attraction when Top Rope Promotions staged its 30th anniversary pro wrestling show at the Fall River Police Athletic League.

More than 400 fans reportedly were on hand with most tickets being sold in advance. Hall, however, showed up in no condition to perform.

Wrestler Justin Credible (Pete Polaco), who tended to his longtime friend in a backstage area, said he unsuccessfully tried to prevent Hall from going out in his disturbing state.

“He is an adult and is responsible for his actions. I did everything I could to help the situation. It hurts me more than any of you to see him like that. He is very stubborn ... neither me nor the promoter were going to convince Scott to do anything. He was doing what he wanted to and I was simply just trying to keep him safe.”

Sources reported that it took Hall 15 minutes to get to the ring with two people helping him. He had to be escorted and supported wherever he walked. It took about 10 minutes to get him out of the ring at the end of his segment.

The bizarre incident generated considerable traffic on the Internet, with initial reports erroneously claiming that Hall had overdosed.

The promoter of the event, Steve Ricard, said he suspected Hall took a mixture of prescription drugs in doses that exceeded the directions on the bottles. He said that Hall, still wearing a wristband from a hospital stay earlier in the week, arrived in a wheelchair with three bottles of prescription pills in his possession.

Dana Hall

Hall’s rep, Geena Jinev Anac, told sources that Hall was being treated for heart-related issues and had been hospitalized in Florida due to extremely low blood pressure. He had a pacemaker implanted in his heart late last year and at one point battled double pneumonia.

But the sad truth of the matter is that it was far from the first time Scott Hall has shown up in no condition to perform.

“Just witnessed the saddest, most embarrassing thing in my career ... How many guys have to die before some guys learn?” wrestler Scotty 2 Hotty (Scott Garland) wrote on his Twitter account.

Ricard says Hall asked for his money within three minutes of his arrival, and was taken to a restaurant where he stumbled around and had to be helped out of the establishment.

“We drew a packed house and a good majority of them were there to see Hall,” said Ricard. “Hall and his people down in Florida had all claimed he was clean and good to go. His flight and hotel were prepaid, and his appearance fee was demanded upon arrival at the airport.”

Ricard, who drew his fair share of criticism for allowing Hall to go onstage despite his questionable health, says the wrestler persisted in appearing on the show. The promoter also was concerned about the possible fan reaction if Hall didn’t make an appearance.

“His heart was in the right place, unfortunately I can’t say the same about his mind or his body,” said Ricard, who added that Hall threatened him.

“Throughout the night he made threats to numerous members of my staff, as well as myself, demanding more money, demanding to go to the ring when he wanted to, etc. He was also threatening to kill me if I screwed him over. I’m 31 years old and I should be, in no circumstances, babysitting someone in their 50’s.”

Dana Hall with son Cody and daughter Cassidy.

Hall also reportedly fell asleep during an autograph session before the show, and apparently didn’t know where he was.

For many of his fans, says Ricard, their childhood icon was “wrecked and ruined.”

“Hall made, at best, an embarrassing performance in the ring and for the fans who came to see him, trashing matches that were on the show before him and addressing the crowd as if we were in England,” said Ricard.

Hall spent several days in a Providence, R.I., hospital before being discharged and heading back to Florida.

Hall, in an interview earlier this year with The Miami Herald, admitted that he was suffering the consequences of bad decisions.

“I made some bad decisions and some bad choices. If you dance with the devil, you got to pay the price,” he said.

Hall attended a WWE-sponsored rehab late last year. And, to his credit, he passed up an opportunity to see Kliq teammate and longtime friend Shawn Michaels inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame earlier this month, admitting that the festive atmosphere might have compromised his sobriety.

Kevin Nash, Hall’s closest friend in the business, noted that something was missing when he huddled onstage with Michaels, Triple H and Sean Waltman at the ceremony.

“If you wonder what we were all talking about on the stage with Shawn, it was how incomplete this was without Scott,” Nash posted on a blog. “It was like The Beatles without John. The Kliq is a hand. There is five of us. Cut a finger off your hand and see how hard it is to make a fist,” Nash said.

Hall also hasn’t had much luck seeing his own family.

Ex-wife Dana says Hall has had little contact with 16-year-old daughter Cassidy or 19-year-old son Cody.

“He hasn’t seen Cassidy since August 2010. I don’t think he has seen Cody in almost two years. They may have had one or two brief phone calls since then, but nothing that I know of. He calls inconsistently and texts him, and Cody doesn’t respond.”

Dana, who fears that her children have suffered irreparably from the family dysfunction, says her son won’t communicate with his father “until Scott gets in rehab and away from the enablers he is with.”

Kevin Nash and Scott Hall as "The Outsiders."

“They hold it in,” she says of her children. “They hate to talk about it, but they accept that they don’t have a father or a normal life.”

Dana Hall, 48, says she stopped responding to her ex-husband months ago.

“The last time I talked to him face to face was when I took Cassidy to the hospital to tell him goodbye last August. It was a horrible scene. He had been doing crack cocaine for days and had used all the money in the account he wrote the child support check on and it had bounced.

“I have cut off his contact with me and the kids, and ignore his calls, texts and messages to me, which are 99 percent negative and nasty when he is drunk. At this point, he can have no contact with us unless I know his intentions. Actions speak louder than words.”

Nash said last week that Hall’s problems go beyond substance addiction. His issues, he says, are based on events that happened before his wrestling career, and Hall’s only coping mechanism is turning to drugs and alcohol.

“I can tell you Scott Hall has neither a drug or alcohol addiction ... Scott’s problem is he suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. Drugs and alcohol aren’t the problem; to Scott they are the solution,” Nash posted on Twitter.

“Please don’t judge Scott on what you just saw. He would give any of you a kidney ... He’s my brother (and) we will get through this.”

Dana Hall believes her ex-husband, though, is running out of options.

“Pretty much, we are done, his brothers are done, his mother is worried sick, feels helpless ... We try to live life as if he is already dead, until he does something really bad, and then it is kind of hard to ignore.”

Some Hall backers have argued that the wrestler doesn’t have a viable support system at home.

Others, like Nash, now believe that family and friends may be Hall’s only hope.

“His ex-wife, Dana, will be the first to tell you that she’s not perfect. For 15 years I thought she was the enemy. As Scott’s condition continued to decline, and people that were willing to help continued to diminish, Dana and I found ourselves as the last two on the wall at the Alamo. I’ve gotten to know her somewhat. She’s a loving, caring mother, and let’s not forget that Scott is the father to her children.

“She fears, much like I do, that Scott may not be here much longer. She’s been on Twitter, and people are saying she’s unstable. She just wants to make sure her children have closure with their father.”

Nash said in a 2009 interview that Hall wouldn’t get better until he was ready to clean up.

“Until he wants to take the steps to be clean, he’s just not going to be clean. There’s plenty of people that love him and want him to do it, it’s just that he’s got to make that decision himself. We can’t do it for him. Nor can Vince (McMahon) or anybody else.”

“I have been to about nine rehabs,” Hall told The Miami Herald. “They were high dollar and some of the best ones around. Vince (McMahon) has picked up the tab the last couple of times. If you ever work or worked for WWE, if you ever need help, he will give it to you. He is really cool. Thank Vince, his wife Linda, (daughter) Stephanie, (son) Shane and (son-in-law) Paul (“Triple H” Levesque). Thank you for helping me. It’s hard to ask for help. It’s even harder to accept it when people offer it.”

Dana Hall says she also is grateful to the McMahon family.

“I would like to publicly thank everyone who was instrumental in getting Scott any kind of treatment in the past — WWE/Vince/Anne (Gordon). I have never gotten to express how grateful I was that they tried to help him. I am just sorry Scott didn’t help himself and let those many, many opportunities pass.”

“He is not speaking of wanting to go to rehab of any sorts now, so I hold no hope or positive feelings for the future,” she adds. “Sober or not, his health is failing so fast from all of the abuse and his body deteriorating at a fast pace.”

She says she is reaching out to his friends one final time.

“His family and close friends have never attempted a true intervention. I have begged them several times. I am asking Kevin, Sean (Waltman) and other close friends to have one with me and the kids now.”

Nash and Hall’s son, Cody, were able to track down Hall at an Orlando hospital for a brief visit Thursday night.

“He’s lost a lot of weight, but the smile on his face was priceless. Not looking good,” Nash posted afterwards.

“Cody and Kevin found the hospital Scott was in and both went to do an ‘intervention’ of sorts,” says Dana Hall. “I am not sure what exactly was accomplished except for Cody finally seeing his dad after a very long time. They all had a chance to talk.”

She says Hall is currently in the cardiac unit where doctors are waiting for his blood pressure to stabilize.

“He is telling Kevin he is going to stay, but he has told others he is going to leave and possibly thinking about ‘out-patient’ treatment ... which is not ever going to work if the man cannot do ‘in-patient’ treatment. He needs to be in a treatment facility for a very long time. I feel he told Kevin exactly what he wanted to hear to get him off his back.”

She says she’s still grateful that Nash took her son to see Hall.

“I am grateful he got to speak to Cody; half of my objective here was achieved. I have decided to give up the fight, shut my mouth, and Kevin is going to be the last name on the Alamo wall, as he has stated. I just pray I am wrong, but I don’t think I am. I fear the worst for my kids and his family. I tried, plus more, for way too long, way too much.”

She describes her relationship with her ex-husband as “a very long nightmare.”

The two were first married in February 1990, divorced in May 1998, remarried in March 1999, and divorced again in October 2001. They have separated and gotten back together “too many times to count.”

Exhausted by the emotional tug-of-war that has marked their on-again, off-again status over the years, she admits her codependency didn’t help the situation.

“I am sure I have some responsibility in it and was an enabler when I was with him, but I feel I have been more of a lifesaver. I feel I have not enabled his life to this date, but maybe helped prolong it at times.”

She also admits that in hindsight it was a mistake trying to make her marriage work, and that she might have done things differently if given the chance to do it over again.

“I would have made sure he quit wrestling and went to rehab and stayed ... that’s in a perfect world. And I definitely would not have married him a second time.”

Her ex-husband’s biggest enabler, she says, has been the wrestling business itself. She says it’s a business that continues to push him out the curtain despite his failing health.

“I blame wrestling for making it worse. He had these addictions before, but his fame, the money and the major enabling fueled it and escalated it to the out-of-control disaster his life has become. Scott is as addicted to wrestling and his alter-ego as he is to the drugs and alcohol.”

She recalls a letter she wrote in 1998 pleading with Hall to seek help for his issues. She had spent the better part of that year on a relentless one-woman campaign determined to free Scott from the two things she claimed had destroyed his life: drugs and professional wrestling. She felt it was her duty as a wife to extricate Scott from what she called a bottomless pit.

She said she woke up every morning for years hoping — and praying — that her on-and-off husband would see the light.

“Although I divorced him, this was not done because I no longer loved him,” she said at the time. “ It was because I could no longer live his lifestyle, live with his addictions, live with the stranger he had become. Believe me, I tried for a very long time before I threw in the towel. But I could no longer support him as long as he continued to do drugs and drink and hurt himself, or support him in his career, which was only adding to the problem.”

She also noted then that being the wife of a celebrity wasn’t what most people might have imagined.

“What is it like being married to one of these guys? It isn’t all wonderful. We sit home and we take all of this. We do all the work and we get kicked in the butt in the end. My life is just a mess because I was part of that. I don’t want to trash him or anyone else. But the truth is the truth. He’s been taken over by wrestling, and he doesn’t even know right from wrong anymore. He doesn’t even know who he is anymore or how to be a normal person. It steals your whole identity. It steals your life.”

The ensuing years, she says, were not easy for her or her children.

“The kids and I all live in a two-bedroom townhouse in Winter Springs, Fla., about 20 minutes away from Scott. Cody has my room since he has come back from the Air Force, and I have been sleeping on an air mattress on the family room floor downstairs for now until Cody finds a roommate. Our whole house is as big as his master bedroom.”

It’s a far cry from the five-bedroom, 3,500-square-foot home the family once shared on five acres, along with a house on the beach.

That’s when Hall was pulling in a seven-figure salary from Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling and living a lifestyle previously afforded only rock stars and mainstream sports celebrities.

Hall and partner Nash were more celebrated than many of their contemporaries in the “legitimate” sporting world. Kyle Petty was driving an NWO race car. NBA star A.C. Green wore an NWO T-shirt. It was a period when wrestling was on fire, and Hall and Nash were a major reason why.

That, says Dana Hall, seems like a lifetime ago.

She now cleans homes for a living and says she lives “day to day.”

“I have a small business called ‘Your Angel,’ and I clean houses and do miscellaneous errands for people,” she says. “I get $600 a month child support for Cassidy, most of the time late if at all, and Cody gives me money to stay and for food. I make about $500 to $600 a week busting my butt cleaning toilets.”

Her kids, she says, have both tried to make the best out of a bad situation. But she says she’s “scared to death” for her son knowing that “he’s had no positive role model in his life.”

“I am scared to death if he experiments with drugs/alcohol as most kids his age do, that he is playing Russian roulette with his life, being Scott’s son. I strongly believe in genetics and I fear the repercussions of the inevitable future regarding his dad will negatively affect him, as well as Cassidy at some point. It is my worse fear. Cody has never had a positive male role model in his life which is so important. Neither have had a father figure in any positive way at all for a very long time.”

Her daughter, she says, also has missed out on what should have been a major part of her young life.

“Cassidy is a straight-A, honor roll student, wants to be a vet and is a great kid, but she is heartbroken and thinks her dad doesn’t love her more than drugs or wrestling. He forgot her 16th birthday. She was in ER and could have lost her leg in March due to an infection, and he never responded to my text. He never buys them Christmas or birthday gifts, no cards, never ... not for many, many years.”

Hall says she no longer holds out any hope for a relationship between her and her ex-husband, but she does pray that he can make amends with his children. The next binge, she says, could be his last.

“Unfinished business,” she says, “is a killer.”

She fears that Hall may never be able to escape his “demons.”

“He doesn’t want it, or he would have done it by now, and the fact that every time he has even tried, he can’t get over himself enough to be ‘real’ and do the work. He lives his gimmick 24/7 and has become his alter ego ... he doesn’t even know who he is anymore. He still thinks he is Razor, and conducts himself as so all the time. He has a wrestling tape stuck in his head that never shuts off.”

Nash agrees on the gravity of the situation. He says his friend’s condition has worsened to where he fears each phone call could be the last time he hears his voice.

“Scott Hall is in bad shape ... It’s gotten to the point where I save his voice mails, much like I would’ve saved Andrew’s (Test), because I knew sometimes when I heard his message it could be the last,” Nash posted in a blog.

Hall, says Nash, is much more than a friend.

“I have spent more time with Scott Hall in the last 18 years than I have with my wife in the 23 years we’ve been married. We have no secrets between each other.”

They were “The Outsiders.” They were renegades, in every sense of the word, bent on taking over the wrestling world. And all that came with it. They were the outlaws who did whatever they wanted whenever they wanted.

For some, like Hall, the fame and fortune came with a price.

For all the success Scott Hall has achieved in the ring, there is an ominous asterisk at the bottom of his resume that tells the story of a tragic figure, a self-destructive soul whose real battle has been with his own personal demons.

“He will live and die for wrestling,” says Dana Hall.

“He is a fragile and broken human being,” adds Nash. “The media will want to blame wrestling when Scott passes. Scott was broken way before he broke into the ring for the first time.”

“Kevin has always been there for me at least since 2005 in this fight,” says Dana Hall. “I thank him for standing up for me and the kids in all of this sickness. I know Scott is his friend and that it put him in a tough position a lot of times. I just pray that he can do what still needs to be done for the sake of his kids. I pray that he can convince him to stay in treatment and out of wrestling, out of the real world and away from all enablers. I pray in the time he has left he can convince him how badly his kids need a dad and to help him make amends.”

The Scott Hall that Kevin Nash prefers to remember is a caring human being who “never passed a homeless person or someone in need without opening his wallet” and has the first two nickels he ever made.

“He’s not the Bad Guy, he’s not Razor Ramon, he’s Scott Hall.”

And sometimes, says Nash, life just isn’t fair.

“The world is a mess. It seems that life gets harder on a personal level each and every day. Hug and kiss those you love every day. You never know when the tragedies of this world may visit your life.”

An open letter from Dana Hall:

“To Whomever still cares,

I never wanted to have to write a letter like this again, and it definitely deeply saddens me to do so.

This is not a letter to bash Scott, nor wrestling. This is only the sad truth of them both.

So if you can’t handle it, or don’t want to hear it, then please don’t read this. Denial doesn’t help anyone, and will certainly not help Scott Hall at a time like this.

Nothing has changed since my letter of 13 years ago, except things have gotten worse. Scott is no longer famous; he is infamous.

The only difference is now instead of the big wrestling companies enabling Scott, it is the little independent promoters, a whole lot of wannabe wrestlers, marks and other unsavory people in which he has chosen to surround himself with in his sickness. He has so many wrong people in his life, there is no room for the right ones any longer, most importantly his children and family.

You all know who you are, and whom has been a part of dragging him out like a piece of meat to embarrass himself further. You people are only helping him kill himself, and he is doing a bang-up job of it on his own, he needs no more ‘help!’

Scott was in no shape physically, mentally or emotionally after his heart failure and pacemaker last year. He was not sober for any length of time, nor in recovery. Every door should have been closed to him at that time. It should have been over then, because look where we are right now. Anyone who gives a sick man a job who is not capable of being 100 percent sober, responsible or reliable must be a fool, or worse. I vote for worse.

Anyone with half a brain in his head could see he was not well and he should have been seeking help or his family, not engaging in this profession which only fuels the fire of his addictions. It always has.

Scott is hanging by a very thin thread at best.

Our children, myself and Scott’s family have suffered many, many years of ongoing hurt, pain, disappointment, frustration and embarrassment due to his addictions and the consequences which have followed. Scott has chosen to continue drinking, drugging and to self-destruct. Every attempt at rehabilitation, sobriety and recovery has failed. You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help himself, and when you do, you are just an enabler and part of the problem.

I am praying anyone still enabling this man will stop now. Anyone telling him what he wants to hear, and not the brutal truth, is not his friend. Anyone aiding in, or giving him an open door/opportunity or participating in any type of wrestling-related event, appearance, video, etc. with him are going to be the last nails in his coffin, and God help you.

He cannot be a part of wrestling at all anymore, and live.

I know the fans love him despite his issues and all of the bad. I know they don’t want to hear this, but I am begging you no matter what you think of me, for the sake of our kids, ‘please let him go.’ Before you have to let him go for good. Our kids need a dad for once, and not a dead wrestler. Let them have what is left of him, in the time he has left.

I pray his true friends will get him to a safe place where he can’t hurt himself anymore. I pray he will get away from the last of the enablers clinging to him. I pray he will devote every second to making amends to his children and making them a priority in this life while he is still here. That is all that matters. My prayer is that Scott would finally realize this before it’s too late. We love you Scott. We do care, we are here, but something’s gotta give, or it is your last call for real.”

— Dana Hall

Update on Shane Helms, girlfriend in accident

Reported by Jeff W.

To follow up on our report yesterday regarding Shane Helms and his girlfriend being involved in a serious motorcyle accident on Thursday night, more details on their health has been revealed.

According to The Wrestling Observer, Helms suffered a broken ankle, broken jaw and broken nose in addition to other fractures and required 200 stitches. His girlfriend, who early on was in even worse shape but later “turned the corner”, suffered a broken neck. It isn’t believe she suffered any spinal cord damage. Both remain hospitalized in Raleigh, NC.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

More on Michelle McCool’s Future with WWE and Her Departure

- WWE had been planning to break up Layla and Michelle McCool for months, going back to WrestleMania 27. They didn’t do the LayCool split at WrestleMania likely because they wanted to focus on the match with Snooki after she agreed to wrestle. After WrestleMania, WWE went back to the LayCool split storyline and rushed it over the past month or so.

McCool is leaving WWE on good terms and has been offered a spot on a likely second season of WWE Tough Enough as well as an office job. There’s talk that McCool and her husband, The Undertaker, are looking to settle down and start a family.

Shane Helms posts pic of himself in hospital

From @ShaneHelmsCom:

Chris Jericho Talks About Returning to WWE and Edge’s Retirement

- Chris Jericho recently spoke to IGN and talked about his future with WWE. Here are some highlights:

IGN: You had a bunch of your WWE comrades in the crowd (at DWTS) there cheering you on. That must have felt great.

Jericho: It was cool. And it’s funny because at first there were going to be a lot more. For the first couple weeks there were a lot of people and then there wasn’t for a while because I think when the ratings for the show came in, I think the WWE got in trouble a little bit from the USA network. Because having them be there was, in a sense, promoting the show that runs head to head with RAW. But it was nice. It was a great show of solidarity and support from my peers. And a lot of people ask “What do the wrestling fans think of this?” but there never really was anybody ball-busting me because from the very first week they felt I could do this. I almost kind of got too good too early. I think, like, my second week Quickstep – had I done that in week 6, I would have got 10′s. But at that point in time you weren’t allowed to give 10′s. It was too early in the competition. I kind of consider myself to be a pioneer. Not only as a wrestler, but in rock n’ roll. Because I’m the first wrestling guy and the first rocker who’s done the show. And I think it tears down some of the boundaries there. I think you’re going to see more rock stars and wrestlers do it because it’s a great opportunity and it’s a lot of fun. And it really does push you as a performer. And I think that’s what you look for.

IGN: Well, that sort of feeds into my next question which is “when are you headed back to the WWE?” You said not until you can do something new with your character.

Jericho: I don’t want to go back and do the same thing. And do the same character I was doing last time. You constantly have to reinvent yourself. It’s kind of a strange analogy but I think you’ll pick it up when I say it – I always consider myself to be the Madonna of wrestling. And what I mean by that is “constantly re-inventing yourself.” Every album Madonna does, she morphs into new styles of music and new looks. And when you work for the WWE, you work 52 weeks out of the year and on TV every week. You can’t look the same or act the same every week. It gets boring. And I think that’s why I’ve had such longevity as a performer and was always the guy to watch because people wanted to see what I did next. I even did that on Dancing with the Stars. And you have to do that or else you become predictable. And that’s the worst thing you can become when you’re in show business.

IGN: I wanted to get your thoughts on Edge’s retirement, which came as a shock to everyone.

Jericho: I think it’s one of those things that a lot of people forget about wrestling, which is that even though it’s show business it’s physically taxing. I’m actually surprised that more people don’t get seriously hurt in the ring. And I’m thankful that it doesn’t happen. But Edge has been battling those problems for years and years and it was a shock and it’s sad, but I look at the bright side, which is that at least they caught it before something more serious happened. Because this is a very physical, dangerous business and I think it gets forgotten with all the pomp and circumstance sometimes. So once in a while you get moments like with Edge where you remember just how real it is.

I mean, I hate it when people use the word “fake” to describe wrestling. Yeah, it’s show business and it’s pre-determined, but it’s not like we have stunt men in there doing all our routines for us. You’re out there really paying the price physically and mentally too. Edge is one of the greats and I’m sure he’ll have a job in the WWE for as long as he wants. He’s very smart. He understands the business. I’m just glad he didn’t get seriously hurt and I’m sure he’ll be involved in the business in a lot of ways from now on.

Backstage Update on The Undertaker’s WWE Status

- While it’s not official yet, the internal thought within WWE is that The Undertaker is basically retired, which explains Michelle McCool leaving to spend more time with him at home.

The Observer reports that The Undertaker is in far worse physical shape than is being let on. WWE officials aren’t ruling Taker out for WrestleMania 28 in 11 months but don’t expect him to work another match before then. People close to Taker have talked to him about retiring at WrestleMania 28 with his streak at 20-0.

Planned main event for WWE Over the Limit PPV

By Adam Martin,

According to the official website for the Key Arena in Seattle, one of the main matches for WWE’s Over The Limit PPV on 5/22 has been revealed featuring John Cena defending the WWE Championship against The Miz in a “I Quit” match. WWE has yet to officially confirm this match.