Tuesday, March 8, 2011

LIVE Raw Coverage

- Undertaker is out to start the show. He talks about his match with Triple H at Wrestlemania. Footage is shown of his Mania streak ending with his wins over HBK. Taker says the match with HHH at Mania will be No Holds Barred. He ends by saying Triple H will rest in peace.

- Backstage Nexus is attacking Randy Orton 3 on 1. Punk gives Orton the GTS. Punk tells Otunga and Ryan to drag Orton to the ring.

(1) Randy Orton vs David Otunga. Orton wins the the RKO. Mason Ryan is out after the match and try’s to attack Orton but gets hit with an RKO. Punk is out but refuses to get in the ring with Orton. Randy notices Otunga is down and punts him in the skull before Punk can save him.

- Alberto Del Rio is out with Brodus Clay. He said he will face Christian if he can beat Brodus.

(2) Brodus Clay vs Christian. Christian wins with the Kill Switch. Alberto attacks Christian after the match and locks on the Cross Arm Breaker.

- Sunny is announced for the 2011 WWE Hall of Fame.

- A preview video is shown for the debut of Sin Cara.

(3) Divas Title Match: Eve vs Nikki Bella. Micheal Cole stands up during the match and demands that this end right now. He said he has a major announcement and no one cares about this. Brie runs in and the match is a DQ. Gail Kim makes the save.

- Micheal Cole is out and announces the guest referee for Wrestlemania. He talks about this man being a former WWE Champion and a legendary Texan. The fans get excited and think Cole is going to say Austin but Cole says they are all fools and so is everyone on the internet. The guest referee for his match with Lawler will be JBL. Bradshaw comes out and cuts a promo. He talks about mentoring Cole on Smackdown and says Lawler is a bully who picks on the weak and says he is proud of Cole for standing up for him. JBL starts to sign the contract for the match but Austin comes out to interrupt. Austin argues with JBL and Cole and it ends with Austin giving JBL a Stunner and signing the contract to be guest referee at Mania.

(4) Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus. This is a non-title match. Sheamus gets dumped out to the floor and comes up holding his ankle and says it’s hurt. Daniel Bryan wins via count out. Sheamus challenges Bryan to a US title match next week and says if he loses he will quit. Bryan accepts the match.

(5) CM Punk vs R-Truth. Punk wins with the Anaconda Vice.

- Vickie Guerrero is out. She announces the newest member of Raw is her boyfriend Dolph Ziggler.

(6) Dolph Ziggler vs John Morrison. Vickie is on commentary. She says her and Dolph are no longer a couple and just business partners. Vickie mentions Snookie being on Raw next week and says she better stay away from her. Dolph wins with the Zig Zag. The GM Chimes in and Lawler reads it. He says he did hire Dolph but not Vickie. He says Vickie must win her match on Raw next week if she wants a job and that will be against Trish Stratus. Security comes out and escorts her out of the arena.

- John Cena is out to respond to Rock. He busts out a new rap bashing Rock. He holds up a modified version of Rock’s new shirt that says “I Bring it Via Satellite.”. Miz comes out after the promo and hits Cena with the WWE Title.

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