Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Three Dark Main Events Take Place After Last Night’s WWE SmackDown Tapings

- The dark main event after last night’s WWE SmackDown tapings in Houston saw Sheamus win a 41 man battle royal. Sheamus eliminated most of the Superstars in the match. It came down to Sheamus and The Miz, who was eliminated. Christian re-entered the match but caught a Brogue Kick to be eliminated. The second dark main event after last night’s tapings saw John Cena beat WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio by DQ when Mark Henry and Del Rio beat Cena down. This brought out Big Show to make the save, then Teddy Long to make the third dark main event. The final dark main event of the night saw Cena and Show defeat Henry and Del Rio. Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment on Del Rio while Show chokeslammed Henry for the double pin and the win.

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