Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Paul Bearer on Being Abducted, His WWE Return, and His Future

Paul Bearer recently took place in an interview with and here are a few of the highlights:

Going back to WWE last September: “As I always said never say never. The WWE contacted me about coming back and I told them no. Then they had some of my friends (Kane, Undertaker) call me too. After about 6 weeks of this I finally agreed to come back. I didn’t want to come back and work the long road schedule. I signed a 6 month contract, knew exactly what they were going to do with my character. It was fun to be back with the boys.”

Being abducted by Edge: “A lot of people kept saying, ‘Oh I can’t believe Edge hit you with a dodge ball in the head, I can’t believe he pour the marinara sauce all of you!’ Let me just say (not the I’m bragging) on top of my contract the WWE cut me a bonus check for all of that, I would say that bonus check for just that segment was more than anyone listening would make in a month, so I had no problem with it.”

His future involvement with WWE: “Like I said before, never say never but I’m happy now spending time with my family. I will be at Wrestlemania, not involved with the actual Wrestlemania show but I will be at the WWE Access that happens that weekend and I am looking forward to that!”

Paul also talks about his possible appearance in an upcoming WWE video game (WWE All Stars) and then takes a question from a fan. The question seemed to upset Paul and he quickly left the show. This prompted former WWF Superstar Jim Powers (who was listening to the show) to call into the show and sound off on Paul Bearer, John Cena and a number of other topics!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Happened after Raw went off the air.

what happened after raw stopped taping:
John Cena and Randy Orton defeated The Miz and C.M in a dark match after Raw went off the air. Punk with Michael Cole as special referee.

The finish saw The King run Cole out of the match. Lawler ended up making the count after Orton and Cena hit their finishers

RAW Results 2/21/2011

- A graphic is shown that says 2.21.11 with a countdown clock that seems to end around the 10pm EDT time.

- John Cena is out to a mixed reaction as usual. A Rocky chant breaks out. Cena talks about last week and says he does not know what to say. He says he was going to let him slide because he is The Rock. Cena wants to see the footage again so they show what The Rock had to say about him again from last week. Cena says he may not have done it in a long time but he still does have a degree in Thuganomics. Cena cuts a rap on Rock ripping on his movies and the fact that he left WWE.

(1) CM Punk vs John Morrison. Both men are limping to the ring selling the effects of the Chamber last night. Punk works over the knee of Morrsion. Punk wins with the GTS.

- Punk cuts a promo on Orton. He says Nexus has the night off and tells Randy to just walk away. He threatens Orton not to show up next week. Orton runs down and attacks Punk but he runs away to the aid of Nexus who are in fact there.

- Alberto Del Rio comes out and Kofi Kingston attacks him on the ramp. Ricardo Rodriguez gets involved allowing Del Rio to put Kofi in the cross arm breaker.

- Miz is out with Riley he rips on Rock and talks about facing Cena at Mania. The GM dings in a announces Miz and Cena will take on the Corre for the Tag Team Titles later tonight.

(2) Gail Kim & Eve vs The Bella Twins. The Bellas switch behind the referees back and get the win.

- The house from the 2.21.11 promos is shown and a countdown starts at 20 and continues down to one. Undertaker steps out of the house and when cut back to the arena and he is standing on the stage. Taker does his full entrance and as he takes his hat off the music of Triple H hits and he comes out to a huge ovation. They have a stare down and Triple H gives Taker a crotch chop and Taker does the throat slash and we go to commercial break. Neither man spoke in the segment.

**Note** I am trying hard to keep this updated but the website is still having issues. If I missed anything I am sorry.

(3) Mark Henry vs Sheamus. Henry wins with the Worlds Strongest Slam.

- Michael Cole is in the ring and calls out Jerry Lawler. He asks him about last night and mentions Lawler’s mom which should have not been included in this. Lawler goes after Cole who tosses water in his face and runs.

- Lawler is now on commentary with Josh Matthews.

(4) WWE Tag Team Title Match: The Corre (c) vs The Miz & John Cena. Miz pins Gabriel easy with the Skull Crushing Finale so once again we have feuding partners for the one millionth time.

- Wade Barrett says they are going to invoke their rematch clause for the titles right now.

(5) WWE Tag Team Title Match: The Miz & John Cena (c) vs The Corre. Now this is stupid. Miz turns on Cena and Gabriel and Slater win back the belts.

Hacksaw Jim in the Hall of Fame!

- Hacksaw Jim Duggan was announced as the second member of the 2011 WWE Hall of Fame class on tonight’s RAW from Fresno, California. Duggan joins Shawn Michaels in this year’s class.

Duggan will be inducted by The Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase Sr.

The Undertaker and Triple H Return to RAW on 2-21-11

- The Undertaker made his return tonight on RAW from Fresno, California, the man behind the 2-21-11 vignettes.

Triple H also made his return tonight, interrupting The Undertaker’s return. Triple H and The Undertaker came face to face in the ring, before looking up at the WrestleMania sign. Taker laughed at Triple H and walked off, before turning back around and “cutting his throat” to Triple H. Triple H responded with a crotch chop and that was it before a commercial break.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Tonight’s RAW, Trish Stratus Update, Lance Storm Back in Action, Booker T

- Lance Storm returns to the ring at the Prairie Wrestling Academy show on March 19th in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Storm will team with Brother Devon to take on Brother Ray and independent wrestler Dylan Knight.

- Joey Styles noted on Twitter last night that Trish Stratus took part in a new photoshoot and interview with WWE’s website that will be released later this week.

- A few readers sent word that Booker T referred to the returning Christian as Christian Cage, his TNA name, on last night’s Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. Matt Striker and Todd Grisham performed backstage interviews last night while Booker, Michael Cole and Josh Matthews called the show.

- Tonight’s WWE RAW takes place from the Save Mart Center in Fresno, California with the fallout from Elimination Chamber. Advertised for tonight’s show is the return of The Undertaker, presumably tied with the 2-21-11 vignettes that have been airing for a few weeks now. Advertised for the local crowd is John Cena and Randy Orton vs. The Miz and CM Punk with Michael Cole as referee.

Another Trainer for WWE Tough Enough, Kingston DVD News, Daniel Bryan

- WWE United States Champion Daniel Bryan will be appearing at the site of tonight’s RAW, the Save Mart Center in Fresno, today from 11am until 12pm to meet fans and sign autographs.

- As noted last year, WWE had a DVD planned for Kofi Kingston titled “Boom, Boom, Boom” but it was cut down to a one-hour pay-per-view special that aired a few months ago. The project was recently listed by the British Board of Film Classification, reports WWEDVDNews. It’s possible the Kofi project will be released soon as a WWE bonus disc of some kind.

- The fourth coach for WWE’s Tough Enough return will reportedly be Bill DeMott, formerly known as Hugh Morris and General Rection. DeMott was a trainer on Tough Enough’s third season a few years back.

DeMott will join Trish Stratus, Booker T and Steve Austin on the show. A current WWE Superstar or Diva will also appear each week to work with the talents.

DiBiase Brothers Appearing, More Trish Comments, The Rock News, HBK, Lilian

- The Rock noted on Twitter that he will be growing his hair out after WrestleMania 27 for his next movie role.

- Brett DiBiase and his brother RAW star Ted DiBiase will be meeting fans and signing autographs before the FCW show on March 16th at the Charlotte Harbor Event Center.

- Lilian Garcia has finished pre-production work on her next album and will begin recording it today in Miami.

- Shawn Michaels will be appearing at the Detroit Autorama in Detroit, Michigan on February 27th from 1-4pm. Sammie from MTV’s Jersey Shore will also be appearing with Shawn from 1-4 that day.

- Trish Stratus commented more on Twitter last night about her WWE return: “OMG I’m trending! Everyone must want to find out what not to wear when u kick ass. I had so much fun delivering Stratusfaction-I missed all of u guys! Can’t tell u how much ur support means to me!!”

Plans Considered for Lawler & the WWE Title, Edge’s Chamber Defense, More

- Joey Styles noted on Twitter last night that Edge is now the first WWE champion in five years to successfully defend his title in the Elimination Chamber.

- EC for Elimination Chamber, Trish Stratus, LayCool, Drew McIntyre, Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, Alex Riley, Fruity Pebbles and other terms were all trending worldwide on Twitter last night during WWE’s pay-per-view.

- There was actually talk in creative meetings of Jerry Lawler winning the WWE Title from The Miz at Elimination Chamber. There was one idea for Lawler to win at the pay-per-view and then drop the belt on tonight’s RAW. There is a feeling that The Miz hasn’t gotten over how they want and they need to give him big wins now to get him over.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Full WWE Elimination Chamber Results 2/20/2011

WWE Elimination Chamber PPV Results
February 20, 2011
Oakland, California
Commentators: Michael Cole, Josh Mathews and Booker T

A video package runs focusing on the road to Wrestlemania and how it is about to take an ugly turn featuring the Elimination Chamber. The video ends adding that tonight is “the last chance to headline Wrestlemania.”

A graphic opening hits welcoming us to WWE Elimination Chamber. We go live to the Oracle Arena in Oakland, California. Michael Cole is the first to welcome us to the show.

Alberto Del Rio is out first to kick off the show.

Non-title match
Alberto Del Rio w/ Ricardo Rodriguez vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston

Before the match, Del Rio said you could not stop the greatest of the great or pure destiny.

Lock up and Kingston pushes Del Rio to the corner quickly. Del Rio stays in the corner as Kingston charges in to force the referee to break it up. Another lock up and Kingston pushes Del Rio to the nearby corner. Del Rio with a big takedown and rollup for a two count. Kingston with a quick dropkick and Del Rio grabs the bottom rope to avoid any further offense. Rodriguez checked on Del Rio on the outside. Kingston tosses Del Rio back in and lands a big kick to the back. Del Rio tosses Kingston to the ring apron. Kingston drops Del Rio with a big right, but Del Rio quickly responds knocking Kingston off the ring apron into the steel ring post and then tossing him into the steel steps. Del Rio tosses Kingston back in and works over Kingston’s arm. Del Rio with some big right hands and forearms to the head of Kingston. Del Rio locks in a body scissors on Kingston keeping the action grounded. Kingston fights back with some right hands. Del Rio responds with a big kick to the body. Kingston with a springboard crossbody/forearm to the head on Del Rio off the corner. Kingston with a big sledgehammer first to the chest and a series of dropkicks that drops Del Rio. Kingston with a Boom Drop. Kingston gets ready for Trouble in Paradise in the corner. Del Rio dodges, Kingston misses a splash in the corner and catches Del Rio with a kick. Kingston off the top attemtping a crossbody, but Del Rio gets his knees up catching Kingston. Del Rio in for a cover that results in a two count. Del Rio with a big kick and then puts Kingston up on the top turnbuckle. Kingston knocks Del Rio off who was attempting a superplex. Kingston with a missle dropkick. Cover by Kingston and Del Rio kicks out after two. Del Rio drops Kingston’s chest/stomach off his knees, cover and Kingston kicks out after two. Del Rio tosses Kingston in the air, but Kingston counters with a DDT. Kingston in for a cover and Rodriguez distracts the referee. Del Rio with a kick to the leg of Kingston. Kingston with his flip drop into a pinfall for a close two count on Del Rio. Del Rio dodges a splash by Kingston in the corner as Kingston crotches himself. Del Rio drops Kingston down an a reverse neckbreaker from the corner. Del Rio locks in the flying armbar. Kingston keeps his fingers locked to block it, but Del Rio eventually breaks it up and Kingston taps out.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

After the match, Alberto Del Rio celebrates his win as Ricardo Rodriguez announces it loudly in the arena. We see a few replays leading to the finish as well.

Backstage, we see Randy Orton getting ready for tonight’s Raw Elimination Chamber match.

We go to ringside with Michael Cole, Josh Mathews and Booker T. Booker calls Orton a future Hall of Famer and said he spoke with him earlier tonight and said to expect the unexpected tonight.

Backstage, Todd Grisham is with WWE World Heavyweight Champion Edge. Edge goes over a rough few weeks on Smackdown and said he isn’t stupid in that no one has walked in and walked out as champion in an Elimination Chamber match. Drew McIntyre walks up clapping and says he is happy everything worked out for Edge. He brings up Kelly Kelly and how Edge doesn’t seem to care she was fired. McIntyre said he took something important away from him and tonight he will take away his title. He said his title and Kelly have one thing in common: they will never be seen together.

A video package runs focusing on the Elimination Chamber.

After the entrances of Kane, Drew McIntyre and Wade Barrett, Smackdown GM Teddy Long came out and reminded everyone that he fired Dolph Ziggler on Friday. Long presents his replacement: Big Show.

Smackdown Elimination Chamber Match – WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Edge (c) vs. Kane vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Wade Barrett vs. Big Show vs. Rey Mysterio

We start with Edge and Rey Mysterio. Lock up and Edge pushes Mysterio to the corner. Edge with a few right hands. Mysterio responds with some big kicks to the leg. Edge ends up dropping Mysterio face first on the mat after Mysterio hit the ropes and jumped at Edge. Edge with kicks to Mysterio in the corner. Mysterio with a head scissors takedown on Edge from the corner. Edge tosses Mysterio over the top rope and Mysterio crashes on the steel floor surrounding the ring. Mysterio recovers with Edge up on the top turnbuckle. Mysterio with a big huricanrana off the top rope on Edge for a two count. Edge tosses Mysterio against the chain of the chamber. Edge then tosses Mysterio face first off a pod with Kane inside.

Time expires. Released first is: Wade Barrett. Barrett kicks Mysterio right away. Barrett tosses Mysterio into the corner and begins kicking his back. Edge is able to get in some right hands on Barrett. Edge tosses Mysterio at Barrett. Edge then slides Mysterio under the bottom rope sending Mysterio crashing into the chain wall. Barrett taunts Big Show in front of his pod. Barrett dumps Mysterio back in the ring and lands a big kick. Barrett with a big slam on Mysterio, hook of the leg and Mysterio gets a shoulder up after two. Barrett tosses Mysterio with force into the corner. Edge pulls down the top rope and Barrett goes crashing over into the steel floor. Mysterio quickly drops Edge, goes up top, but Barrett cuts him off wtih a right hand. Barrett puts Mysterio on his shoulders, hits Edge using Mysterio, but Mysterio grabs the chain wall, kicks Barrett, starts climbing up, falls on the shoulders of Barrett and then drops Barrett over the top rope back into the ring. Mysterio kicks Barrett into the ropes for a 619, but Edge levels Mysterio with a big boot. Edge covers and gets a close two count.

Time expires. Released second is: Kane. Kane comes in and drops Edge, Mysterio and Barrett with uppercuts. Edge catches Kane with a boot, but Kane catches Edge with an uppercut again. Kane with a snapmare on Barrett and a kick to the face. Cover by Kane on Barrett and Barrett gets a shoulder up. Kane with punches to Mysterio in the corner and then splashes both Edge and Barrett. Kane splashes Mysterio, big boots Edge and drops Barrett with a side slam. Mysterio walks up kicking Kane right in the head. Cover and Kane gets a shoulder up. Edge with a boot to Kane and Kane gets a shoulder up. Barrett then kicks Kane and Kane again finds a way to get a shoulder up. Triple clothesline involving Edge, Mysterio and Barrett. Kane clotheslines Edge to the steel floor over the top rope. Kane goes after Barrett hitting him with right hands and kicks. Mysterio with a headbutt to Kane, but Kane with a huge right hand knocking Mysterio off.

Time expires. Released third is: Drew McIntyre. McIntyre launches Mysterio like a dart into his pod. McIntyre and Barrett dobule team Kane sending him into the chain wall. McIntyre kicks Barrett as Barrett was getting back into the ring and then launches Barrett through his pod crashing the pod wall down. McIntyre goes after Edge hitting some big right hands. McIntyre with a snap suplex, cover and Edge gets a shoulder up. Edge with a big spike DDT on McIntyre. Mysterio drops Kane down and misses a 619 when Kane moves. Kane with a big boot to Edge and then launches Mysterio head first into another pod. Kane back body drops McIntyre into Barrett.

Time expires. Released last is: Big Show. Big Show with big clotheslines leveling everyone. Big Show tosses Edge over the top rope and does the same to Kane. Big chest chop by Big Show to McIntyre sending McIntyre over the top rope. Barrett is now trying to avoid Big Show. Big Show grabs his by the neck and puts him through another pod wall. Barrett tries to climb up the chain wall and Big Show is chopping him all over his body. Barrett falls back into the ring and Big Show lands a knockout punch. Big Show gets the pinfall on Barrett.

Wade Barrett is eliminated.

We can see Mysterio climbing up to the roof of a pod. McIntyre with a Future Shock DDT on Big Show and Big Show barely kicks out after two. Mysterio is standing up on top of the pod. Mysterio with a seated senton on Big Show and Big Show powers out of the pinfall sending Mysterio flying into the ropes. Kane with a boot to the head of Big Show. Mysterio with a 619 to Big Show. Edge with a Spear on Big Show. Kane clears out Edge and Mysterio. Kane with a chokeslam to Big Show and gets the pinfall.

Big Show is eliminated.

Kane with a chokeslam on McIntyre and gets the pinfall.

Drew McIntyre is eliminated.

Mysterio with a DDT on Kane for a close two count. Mysterio with a springboard leg drop over Kane and another very close two count. Mysterio with a big kick to Kane, springboard attempt, Kane catches him and Mysterio powers Kane down into the ropes. 619 on Kane. Kane tries to counter a seated senton, but Edge hits a Spear on Kane. Edge covers Kane for the pinfall.

Kane is eliminated.

Kane with a cheap shot on Edge. Kane gives Mysterio a chokeslam. Kane with a chokeslam on Edge as well. The referee yells at Kane to leave the chamber. We are now down to Edge and Rey Mysterio. One of these men will advance to defend the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania 27 against Alberto Del Rio. Mysterio counters a Spear attempt into a rollup for a close two count. Edge rolls through a crossbody by Mysterio for another close two count. Mysterio with a bulldog on Edge, cover and Edge gets a shoulder up. Mysterio is going up top and Edge cuts him off. Mysterio with headbutts to Edge. Edge with a sitdown powerbomb for a close two count on Mysterio. Mysterio drops Edge into the ropes. Edge counters the 619 and applies a modified Sharpshooter. Mysterio rolls through into a pinfall for a close two count. Mysterio dodges a Spear, hits the ropes and Edge catches Mysterio with a Spear. Cover…1…2…Mysterio kicks out. Edge can’t believe it. Mysterio dumps Edge to the ropes and connects with the 619. Mysterio with the body splash, cover and Edge kicks out. Mysterio with another 619. Mysterio jumps off the top rope and Edge catches him in mid air with a Spear. Edge covers and gets the pinfall.

Winner and still WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Edge

After the match, Josh Mathews mentions that Edge is the first WWE superstar in five years to walk in as champion and walk out as champion inside an Elimination Chamber match. We then see highlights of the match. Back live, Alberto Del Rio hits the ring and takes out Edge with a big drokick to the head. Del Rio then applies the flying armbar on Del Rio. Christian’s music hits and he runs down tackling Del Rio hitting him with big right hands. Christian kicks Del Rio in the body a few times. Christian dumps Del Rio into the second turnbuckle in a corner and continues with kicks. WWE referees hold Christian back. Christian breaks free and hits the Killswitch on Del Rio. Edge is then seen recovering holding up the WWE World Heavyweight Championship as Christian heads to the back. During the replay, Booker T referred to Christian as “Christian Cage” (his former TNA/indy name).

A video airs promoting Wrestlemania 27 featuring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson on Sunday, April 3.

Backstage, we see Jerry “The King” Lawler getting ready. Matt Striker tries to get a word. Lawler said this week should have been the most enjoyable week ever, but a week ago today his mother passed away. He said he is still thinking about it and impossible to put into words. Lawler said at the same time things have to continue and this match will take place whether he likes it or not. He said he had a great career, but one thing he never did is win the WWE Championship and compete at Wrestlemania. Lawler said he doesn’t want to let anyone down and do what he has to do to win this match.

Booker T is then introduced. Booker leaves the announce table and takes the mic inside the ring. Booker introduces a special guest, a trainer for the return of WWE “Tough Enough”…former WWE Diva Trish Stratus. Booker welcomes Trish back. Trish said she is looking for the next WWE star on “Tough Enough” and being around the ring again has made her come up with a new catchphrase. Trish says, “Finally…the Trish…has come back to Oakland…to deliver Stratusfaction to the millions…SUCKAAAAAAAA.” Booker adds she didn’t say that. He reminds everyone that “Tough Enough” returns the night after Wrestlemania 27 right after Monday Night Raw. Booker asks why Trish is here tonight. Trish said she is here to watch Jerry “The King” Lawler win the WWE Championship. Booker said we can all dig that…SUCKAAAAAAA. Booker gives it up to Trish one last time.

WWE Tag Team Championships
Santino and Vladimir Kozlov (c’s) vs. Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel w/ Ezekiel Jackson

We start with Vladimir Kozlov and Heath Slater. Kozlov with a quick takedown and tag to Santino. Santino with a headlock takedown. Big Zeke with a cheap shot on Santino. Slater breaks free and tags in Justin Gabriel. Gabriel sweeps Santino. Santino sweeps Gabriel. Tag to Kozlov who tosses Gabriel into the corner. Gabriel catches Kozlov with a knee and goes right into a headlock. Kozlov with a big headbutt to Gabriel sending Gabriel flying through the ropes to the outside. Gabriel catches Kozlov with a kick to the head from the ring apron while recovering. Tag to Slater who corkscrews over the top rope splashing Kozlov. Tag to Santino who hip tosses Slater and drops a forearm. Gabriel jumps in and Santino hip tosses him onto Slater. Santino with a Cobra on Gabriel, covers Slater and Slater kicks out. Tag to Kozlov who takes out Gabriel with a big boot. Kozlov with a headbutt and powerslam to Gabriel. Blind tag by Slater. Slater kicks Kozlov from behind and drops him in an inverted DDT. Slater dropkicks Santino to the outside. Tag to Gabriel who hits the 450 Splash. Cover and Gabriel gets the pinfall.

Winners and NEW WWE Tag Team Champions: Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel (The Corre)

A promo for the 2011 WWE Hall of Fame ceremony is shown featuring the induction of Shawn Michaels.

Backstage, Todd Grisham is with WWE Champion The Miz. Grisham asks him if he is nervous. Miz asks Grisham what year it is. He said it isn’t 1983 when it was good to be The King. It isn’t 1999 when people were smelling what The Rock was cooking. It is instead 2011, the year of The Miz.

Vickie Guerrero is out in the arena. She begs for the WWE Universe to help her get Dolph Ziggler re-hired. Guerrero said Ziggler has a temper and that he doesn’t deserve to be fired. Smackdown GM Teddy Long is out and tells Vickie to stop it. Guerrero says Long looks great. Long says lucky for her, he is in the “hiring mood.” He lets Vickie know he didn’t hire Dolph back, but he did hire someone back and gave them free reign to thank Vickie for her time as acting GM of Smackdown. Kelly Kelly is back. Vickie bails from the ring running around. Vickie rolls back in and Kelly catches up with her. Kelly kicks Vickie and starts beating her up. Laycool hit the ring and they attack Kelly pushing her out of the ring. Michelle McCool is still wearing a boot on her foot. Trish Stratus runs out and scares off Laycool. Laycool then comes back and drops Trish on her head. They toss Trish in the ring. Trish with a Lou Thesz Press on Layla. Michelle uppercuts Trish along with a kick to the stomach. Trish with big elbows to Michelle and a kick to the head. Trish with her huricanrana spot (almost botches it with Layla holding on). Trish with Stratusfaction on Michelle catching Layla with a kick on the way down. Trish and Kelly celebrate.

A promo runs hyping The Miz vs. Jerry “The King” Lawler.

WWE Championship
The Miz (c) w/ Alex Riley vs. Jerry “The King” Lawler

Justin Roberts did ring introductions for the challenger and WWE Hall of Famer Jerry “The King” Lawler and WWE Champion The Miz. Booker T told Michael Cole to show some respect during Lawler’s introduction. Cole said the same to Booker during Miz’s introduction.

Lawler with a quick rollup on Miz early on for a two count. Miz with forearms to Lawler. Lawler with a backslide pin and inside cradle on Miz for two counts on each. Miz slows it down with a headlock, shoulder block, but Lawler fires back with a big clothesline. Lawler with a crossbody for another two count on Miz. Lawler wtih a big right hand. More right hands from Lawler in the corner on Miz as the crowd counted along. Lawler with a clothesline sending Miz over the top rope to the outside. Riley distracts Lawler on the outside allowing Miz to send Lawler face first into the steel ring post. Miz puts Lawler up on the ring apron and hits a high knee. In the ring, Lawler kicks out during a pinfall attempt by Miz after two. Riley with a cheap shot with Miz distracting the referee. Lawler fights back with more right hands to Miz. Miz with his corner clothesline spot. On commentary, Cole said when you watch the NFL you don’t see Troy Aikman call a game and then during the 3rd quarter decide to play football again saying Lawler belongs at the announce table, not in the ring. Lawler with a superplex on Miz from the top turnbuckle. Booker pointed out it was almost a brainbuster as Miz came down. Lawler with rights. Miz fights back with lefts. More Lawler rights. Lawler with a dropkick. Lawler with a second dropkick. Lawler with a high back body drop on Miz. Lawler catches Miz with a boot. Riley then trips up Lawler dropping him down face first. The referee then sends Riley to the back. Miz misses a splash in the corner on Lawler, Lawler with a rollup and a close two count. Lawler gets Miz ready for a piledriver. Miz backs out and catches Lawler with a big boot. During the pin attempt, Lawler counters into a pin of his own for another close two count. Miz goes flying over the top rope when Lawler holds the top rope down. Cole stands up yelling at Lawler that he can’t do this cheering on Miz. Lawler gets in Cole’s face when Miz attacks him and sends Lawler into the side of the ring. Lawler sends Miz face first into the announce table three times. Cole yells out, “Miz, come on! This can’t be happening!” Lawler then tosses Miz over the announce table right into the lap of Cole. Booker starts laughing. Lawler tosses Miz back in the ring and goes up to the top turnbuckle. Lawler drops a huge right hand off the top. Miz kicks out during a pin attempt. We then see a shot of Cole recovering. Miz drops Lawler over his knee, but Lawler recovers with a DDT on Miz. Lawler looks up at the Wrestlemania sign, smiles, gets up on the second rope, drops a strap and drops a fist. During the pin, Miz gets his foot on the bottom rope to break it up. Miz counters a piledriver attempt. Two close pinfalls by both. Miz recovers with a boot to the head. Miz then hits the Skull Crushing Finale and gets the pinfall on Lawler.

Winner and still WWE Champion: The Miz

After the match, we see Michael Cole cheering at ringside. Cole gets into the ring and hands the WWE Championship to The Miz still celebrating. We then see some highlights from the match leading to the finish. Cole gets back on his headset during the replay saying Miz proved why he will headline Wrestlemania without the help of anyone. After Miz heads to the back, Jerry Lawler is up on his feet and the crowd starts a loud “JERRY!” chant. Cole said Lawler will probably have to buy a ticket to Wrestlemania this year since WWE more than likely won’t allow him to call the action anymore at ringside. He calls Lawler an absolute embarassment to this company.

A promo for 2-21-11 airs.

Backstage, we see a shot of John Cena eating a big bowl of Fruity Pebbles. Todd Grisham walks up wanting his thoughts on Monday Night Raw. Cena said his focus is on the Elimination Chamber tonight.

Matt Striker is now shown with CM Punk. Punk said he is batting 1,000 right now – CM Punk 3, John Cena 0. He said he “can’t see” Cena beating him tonight in the Elimination Chamber or four other top WWE stars…except him.

A promo for Wrestlemania 27 is shown, which is 42 days away.

Raw Elimination Chamber – #1 Contendership for WWE Championship
Randy Orton vs. R-Truth vs. CM Punk vs. John Cena vs. Sheamus vs. John Morrison

We start with Sheamus and John Morrison. Sheamus drops Morrison quickly. Sheamus with a big headlock takedown. Morrison fights out and Sheamus with another headlock takedown. Morrison fights up and gets in a big takedown on Sheamus. Morrison with a corkscrew over the top rope taking out Sheamus on the steel floor. Morrison springboards at Sheamus, Sheamus moves, Morrison lands on the chain wall and then pushes himself off catching Sheamus with a big kick. Back in the ring, Sheamus recovers and drops Morrison with a big clothesline. Morrison sets up for a split leg moonsault off the top turnbuckle, but Sheamus pushes Morrison face first into the pod wall that R-Truth is behind. Sheamus then tosses Morrison face first into the chain wall.

Time expires. Out first is: Randy Orton. Orton with clotheslines to Sheamus and a big powerslam. Orton with a powerslam to Morrison. Orton tosses Morrison over his head to Sheamus on the steel floor. Orton sends Morrison crashing inside his pod. Orton clotheslines Sheamus back in the ring. Orton with a DDT on Sheamus to the steel floor. CM Punk looked on smiling from his pod. Orton sends Morrison back in the ring and starts stomping over his body. Orton gets in a stomp to Sheamus as well. Orton with a superplex on Morrison from the top turnbuckle for a two count. Orton with a superplex on Sheamus. We then see a shot of WWE Champion The Miz looking on backstage along with Alex Riley.

Back live, Time expires. Out second is: CM Punk. Punk’s pod door is stuck. Punk is trying to fight his way out. Orton slowly walks up and starts hitting Punk with some big right hands. Orton starts kicking Punk with force, pulls him out of the pod and tosses him in the ring. Orton with an RKO on CM Punk. Orton covers and gets the pinfall. Punk is eliminated.

CM Punk is eliminated.

The Raw GM has something to say. “And I quote,” says Michael Cole. “Due to a malfunctioning pod, CM Punk was not given a fair chance to compete. Therefore, I’m allowing Mr. Punk to re-enter his pod. CM Punk is now re-instated in this match.”

Sheamus goes after Orton and Morrison. Sheamus with his Irish Curse Backbreaker to Orton and tosses Morrison over the top rope to the steel floor. Orton dodges a kick from Sheamus and Morrison catches Orton with a big kick to the head.

Time expires. Out second, officially, is: John Cena. Sheamus rushes Cena’s pod and starts attacking him inside with big right hands and a knee. Sheamus with right hands to Cena and sends him into the chain wall. Cena bounces back inside the ring as Sheamus follows. Morrison counters an AA from Cena landing on his feet on the steel floor. Morrison takes out both Orton and Sheamus. Orton and Sheamus now exchanging shots. Orton with a tackle and right hands. Orton drops a knee over Sheamus and gets a two count during a pinfall attempt. Sheamus with a knee to the gut on Orton. “LETS GO CENA – CM PUNK” dueling chants in Oakland.

Time expires. Out third is: R-Truth. Sheamus tries to go after Truth in his pod, but Truth dodges it and throws Sheamus’ head against the pod wall. Sheamus fights back kicking away Truth. Truth with a hip toss on Sheamus over the steel floor. Truth drops Orton with a facebuster. Truth drops Morrison as well. Truth with a corkscrew forearm on Cena. Sheamus drops Truth with a big boot and gets the pinfall.

R-Truth is eliminated.

Morrison with right hands on Sheamus. Orton drops Cena with a right hand near the steel floor. Morrison with a big kick to the face of Sheamus. Orton is stalking Morrison. Morrison kicks Sheamus on the back. Orton sends Morrison through a pod wall. Orton and Cena are now exchanging right hands in the ring. Orton drops Cena with a dropkick.

Time expires. Out fourth and last is: CM Punk. Orton is again waiting for Punk to come out. Cena tries to cut off Orton. Orton ends up giving Cena an RKO over the steel floor. Punk is laughing as Sheamus hits Orton with a big boot. Punk drops Sheamus, covers Orton and only gets a two count. Punk tosses Orton back in the ring and starts mocking Orton. Punk with the Go To Sleep on Orton and gets the pinfall.

Randy Orton is eliminated.

Punk smiles as Orton rolls out of the ring. The cage door is opened as Orton limps out. Punk with a running knee to Cena. Punk with a running high knee to Sheamus. Sheamus tosses Punk into a pod wall and then clotheslines Punk over the steel floor. Morrison drops Sheamus with a big side kick. Morrison is tossed to the steel floor by Sheamus. Morrison is going up top and then climbs to the top of a pod ceiling. Sheamus follows Morrison up. Both Morrison and Sheamus are at the top of a pod. Sheamus is attempting to hook Morrison in a High Cross. Morrison fights back kicking Sheamus off the pod to the mat below. Morrison is now standing on top of the pod. Morrison is climbing up the chamber chain wall climbing to the top of the dome. Sheamus stands up and Morrison drops from the top of the chamber. Morrison gets the pinfall on Sheamus.

Sheamus is eliminated.

We are down to John Cena, CM Punk and John Morrison. Cena with big shoulder tackles on Punk and his twisting powerbomb. Cena with the Five Knuckle Shuffle on Punk. Punk rolls out of the ring to the steel floor. Cena has Punk on his shoulders. Morrison springboards off the top turnbuckle and takes out both Cena and Punk. Morrison ends up crashing his knee into a pod wall trying to take out Cena when Cena moved out of the way. In the ring, Punk with a snapmare into a cover for a two count. Punk with an triange choke on Cena. Cena powers out keeping Punk on his shoulders. Morrison jumps off the top turnbuckle clotheslining Punk off the shoulders of Cena. Morrison covers Punk and Punk gets a shoulder up after two. Cena with an AA on Morrison. Punk catches Cena with a big kick to the head. Punk with a springboard forearm that takes out Cena into a cover resulting in a two count. Punk then catapults Cena into a pod wall. Punk grabs Morrison attempting another catapult, but Morrison hangs on to the pod, jumps to the chain wall and then kicks Punk back in the ring. Morrison, hopping on one leg, misses a split leg moonsault. Punk with Go To Sleep on Morrison, cover and Morrison is eliminated.

John Morrison is eliminated.

Cena has Punk up for an AA. Punk holds on to the ropes. Cena still hits the AA and Punk lands right on his back over the steel floor. Cena hooks the leg and gets the pinfall on Punk.

CM Punk is eliminated.

Winner and advancing to Wrestlemania 27 to compete for the WWE Championship: John Cena

Backstage, we see a shot of WWE Champion The Miz holding his title high in the air. Back live, Cena holds his arm high celebrating. We then see replays of the match leading to the finish. Back live, Cena celebrates one last time as we see another shot of The Miz holding the WWE Championship high backstage watching the live feed. Cole sends us off plugging that it will be The Miz vs. John Cena for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 27.

WWE Elimination Chamber Coverage: Raw Chamber Match

- CM Punk is eliminated by Randy Orton following an RKO right as he entered the match (Punk’s pod door was stuck)

- Raw GM has something to say about CM Punks’ elimination from the match. Raw GM, “Due to a malfunctioning pod, CM Punk was not given a fair chance to compete.” “Therefore, I’m allowing Mr. Punk to re-enter his pod. CM Punk is now re-instated in this match.”

- R-Truth is eliminated by Sheamus

- Randy Orton is eliminated by CM Punk

- Sheamus is eliminated by John Morrison

- down to John Cena, CM Punk and John Morrison

- John Morrison is eliminated by CM Punk

- CM Punk is eliminated by John Cena; Cena advances to Wrestlemania to face The Miz for the WWE Championship

Trish Stratus returns to WWE for Tough Enough.

source: Trish Stratus, one the most beloved Divas of all time, will return to WWE as one of the trainers on WWE Tough Enough. The seven-time Women’s Champion will join SmackDown commentator Booker T and WWE Hall of Famer “Stone Cold” Steve Austin when the non-scripted show debuts April 4 – the night after WrestleMania XXVII – on USA Network at 11/10 CT.

The WWE Universe in the Oracle Arena gave Trish a warm welcome during WWE Elimination Chamber. The Diva alum said she’s excited to be a trainer on WWE Tough Enough, and to help look for WWE’s next WWE Superstar or Diva.

WWE Elimination Chamber Coverage: WWE Title Match

- Miz is interviews backstage. He refuses to talk about Rock and says once again Lawler will lose to him tonight.

- Vickie Guerrero is out. She says Smackdown suffered a huge tragedy when Dolph Ziggler was fired. Vickie said Dolph has a uncontrollable temper and he is sorry for what he did to Teddy. Long comes out and says he did re-hire someone but not Dolph. Kelly Kelly comes out and attacks Vickie. Lay-Cool make the save but Trish runs down and nails all of her signature moves on them and then celebrates with Kelly.

(4) WWE Title Match: The Miz (c) vs Jerry Lawler. Lawler is dominating this match early. Cole is very annoying in this match so far. Riley attacks Lawler on the floor from behind and then Miz runs Jerry into the ring post. Superplex from King but Miz kicks out in two. Riley trips Lawler and the referee sees it and sends him to the back. Roll up from King for a near fall. Cole gets in Lawler’s face at ringside and Miz attacks him from behind. Lawler tosses Miz over the announce table and he lands on Cole. Lawler with a flying punch off the second rope for a near fall. Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale but Lawler counters it into a DDT. King pulls down the strap and nails the top rope fist drop but Miz gets his foot on the bottom rope. Lawler goes for the Piledriver but Miz counters it and nails a kick to the face followed by the Skull Crushing Finale for the pin. Michael Cole is going crazy at ringside. Cole in the ring and raises the hand of Miz.

Winner: The Miz

WWE Elimination Chamber Coverage: WWE Tag Team title Match

- Booker T is in the ring and calls out one of the trainers for Tough Enough and that is Trish Stratus. Trish comes out and talks about being a trainer on the show and says she is there to see Jerry Lawler win the WWE Title tonight.

- The trailer airs for The Chaperon.

(3) WWE Tag Team Title Match: Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov (c) vs Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater. Eziekel Jackson is at ringside. Gabriel nails the 450 on Kovloz and he and Slater are the new WWE Tag Team Champions.

Winners: The Corre

WWE Elimination Chamber Coverage: Smackdown Chamber Match

- We see a video previewing the Smackdown Elimination Chamber match.

(2) Elimination Chamber match for the World Heavyweight Title.
Edge (c) vs Drew McIntyre vs Kane vs Rey Mysterio vs Wade Barrett vs Big Show. Teddy Long came out and announced Big Show as the replacement for Ziggler who was fired on Smackdown. Edge and Mysterio are starting the match off. Edge backdrops Rey over the top and he lands black first on the steel floor. McIntyre is trying to get out of his pod but obviously can’t. Mysterio gets tossed into one of the pod doors by Edge. The third man to enter is Barrett who goes to work on Mysterio. Edge slides Rey stomach first out of the ring and he slides across the steel. Wade gets backdropped from teh ring to the steel floor and looks to have tweaked his knee. Wade is going for Wasteland on the floor but Mysterio counters it and climbs the cage wall. Wade catches him though in a Powerbomb position but Rey counters into a Hurricanrana into the ring on Wade. Rey goes for the 619 but Edge stops him with a big boot. The 4th man is in the match now and it is Kane. Show and McIntyre are the only two left to enter the match. Kane is dominating everyone. Drew continues to beat on the glass door of his pod as he wants out. Time for the 5th entrant and it is Drew McIntyre. Drew grabs Rey as soon as he is let out and launches him head first into one of the pod doors. Drew and Wade are working together. McIntyre turns on Barrett and tosses him into one of the chamber doors which breaks the glass. Drew goes for the Future Shock DDT but Edge counters it into the Edgecution. Edge goes for a Spear on Drew but Kane comes in and catches around the throat but before he can Chokeslam him Rey stops it but gets tossed over the post and into one of the chamber pods. The 6th and final man is now in the match in Big Show. He goes right after Wade and tosses him through one of the pod doors. Big Show with the Knockout Punch on Barrett and he is the first person eliminated. Mysterio is climbing up to the top of one of the pods. Future Shock on Show but he kicks out. Mysterio jumps off the top and nails a seated Senton on Show but he kicks out before three. 619 on Show followed by a Spear and Chokeslam and Kane eliminates Big Show. Chokeslam on Drew as well and he is now eliminated. Kane goes for one on Rey as well but Edge stops it. 619 on Kane followed by a Spear and Kane is eliminated. We are down to the two men who started the match in Edge and Mysterio. This has been very good so far. Kane Chokeslams both men before leaving the Chamber. Edge goes for the Spear on Rey but he counters it into a roll up for a near fall. Edge counters a Rana into a sit down Powerbomb for another near fall. This match is excellent. Rey goes for the 619 but Edge moves. Edge locks in the Edgeucator on Rey but he refuses to tap. Rey rolls up Edge for a near fall. Spear from Edge but Mysterio kicks out in two. That was a great near fall in a great match. Mysterio goes up top and leaps off but Edge catches him with a Spear in mid-air for the three count and win. That match was off the hook. Del Rio is out after the match and attacks Edge. Christian is out to make the save and hits Del Rio with the Kill Switch.

Winner: Edge

- Matt Stryker interviews Jerry Lawler backstage and he talks about his match with Miz and his mom passing away the past week and how it’s all he can think about.

WWE Elimation Chamber Coverage: Del Rio vs. Kingston

- The opening video focuses on the road to Wrestlemania and how violent of a match the Chamber can be.

- Michael Cole welcomes us to the show. He is joined by Josh Matthews and Booker T.

(1) IC Champion Kofi Kingston vs Alberto Del Rio. This is a non-title match. Del Rio puts down Oakland and says Kofi is a piece of trash. Kofi is very over with the fans but there is a section of fans cheering Del Rio. Alberto is dominating things early on. Kofi battles back though and takes control. Del Rio goes for the Cross Arm Breaker but Kofi counters it into the SOS for a near fall. Kofi goes for a cross body off the top but Alberto gets his knees up to counter it. Kofi misses Trouble in Paradise but gets a roll up however the referee is distracted by Ricardo Rodriguez. Kofi goes up top but gets caught with a nasty hanging neckbreaker which drops him right on the back of his head. Del Rio locks in the Cross Arm Breaker and Kingston taps out. Good match to kick off the show.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

- Edge is interviewed backstage. He talks about the EC match until he interrupted by Drew McIntyre who blames him for Kelly Kelly getting fired.

Mcmahon Senate update, Mattel's second WWE All-Stars 2 pack, More

- Harold Delancy, a high school wrestler in Minnesota, took a page right out of WWE after he hit an opposing wrestler in the head with a chair after losing a recent tournament match. Delancy was charged with two counts of disorderly conduct.

- Linda McMahon told The Greenwich Times on Friday that she is seriously considering a 2012 Senate run. She said: “I’m leaning in that direction. I’m seriously considering another run, but I haven’t made up my mind yet. I’m getting a lot of calls, a lot of encouragement from people around the state. I enjoyed my campaign.”

Linda has made several appearances over the past few weeks, talking with people about another campaign. She has hired public relations firm Sullivan & LeShane to field media inquiries but has not done any hiring for any kind of exploratory campaign. Linda confirmed to the paper that she would not be returning to WWE.

- WWE has revealed Mattel’s second WWE All Stars two-pack. The new pack includes Randy Orton and Jake “The Snake” Roberts, with his snake Damien. The first announced two-pack of WWE All Stars figures was John Morrison with Randy Savage. The figures will be available in stores this March.

Mcmahon Senate update, Mattel's second All-Stars 2 pack

- Harold Delancy, a high school wrestler in Minnesota, took a page right out of WWE after he hit an opposing wrestler in the head with a chair after losing a recent tournament match. Delancy was charged with two counts of disorderly conduct.

- Linda McMahon told The Greenwich Times on Friday that she is seriously considering a 2012 Senate run. She said: “I’m leaning in that direction. I’m seriously considering another run, but I haven’t made up my mind yet. I’m getting a lot of calls, a lot of encouragement from people around the state. I enjoyed my campaign.”

Linda has made several appearances over the past few weeks, talking with people about another campaign. She has hired public relations firm Sullivan & LeShane to field media inquiries but has not done any hiring for any kind of exploratory campaign. Linda confirmed to the paper that she would not be returning to WWE.

- WWE has revealed Mattel’s second WWE All Stars two-pack. The new pack includes Randy Orton and Jake “The Snake” Roberts, with his snake Damien. The first announced two-pack of WWE All Stars figures was John Morrison with Randy Savage. The figures will be available in stores this March.

Coachman talks working for WWE, Leaving for ESPN & More.

Josh Stewart talked to former WWE personality Johnathan Coachman on moving from World Wrestling Entertainment to ESPN.

Coachman commented on his previous work before joining the 24/7 sports news giant: “before I came to ESPN very few people realize that I was on MSG Network in New York for a year. And prior to that I was on CSTV, which is now CBS College Sports, for about a year, year-and-a-half.

“Very little, but not because I don’t want to. I work on Monday nights, and then when I’m home, my daughter dominates the television set, she’s 2 1/2. So, it’s not that I don’t want to, but I just don’t have the time right now,” said Coachman when asked if he watches WWE these days.

On his WWE experience as an announcer: “So, did I enjoy it all the time? No. Did it make me mentally, incredibly strong? Absolutely.”

On leaving WWE: “left on the best of terms, and I still go and see everybody when they’re around, in Hartford or Springfield or Bridgeport. And we get along great.”

JR Blog: Elimination Chamber, SmackDown Live, Angle-Jarrett Storyline

- Jim Ross is back with another blog on Here are highlights:

SmackDown going live:
“No…I don’t ever see Friday Night Smackdown going live, full time IE weekly. It might happen occasionally but it isn’t cost effective or travel friendly to do live TV on Mondays, Fridays, and some Sundays and still try to do live event touring. Makes no sense.”

The Angle-Jarrett storyline in TNA:
“An emailer asked me what I thought about recent TNA storylines involving Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jarrett and their children. I’m not a regular viewer of TNA first of all but what I have seen of this storyline that’s allegedly based in reality isn’t my cup of tea. I could care less what the adults do in their storyline but having minor children involved doesn’t personally work for me. TNA isn’t my hill to die upon and I harbor no ill will toward them but I find it challenging to believe that some individuals actually think that this is effective, episodic TV.”

Tonight’s Elimination Chamber:
“I’m anxiously looking forward to Sunday’s Elimination Chamber PPV from WWE that emanates from Oakland. Obviously, and based on precedent, the Chamber bouts will occupy the majority of the ring time on this event but my focus is on the King vs. Miz bout for the WWE Title. Miz will likely see every trick in the wrestler’s handbook in this one and I don’t expect this title bout to be a marathon. It can’t be a marathon bout if The King Jerry Lawler wants to win the WWE Title IMO. The 61 year old WWE HOF’er, who buried his 90 year old mother on Wednesday, needs to essentially tell us what time it is and not how to make the watch when Jerry looks to make history. Not only would Jerry be the oldest WWE Champion ever, or so I think, he would also be in rarefied air as a WWE Hall of Famer who wins the title after being inducted into the WWE HOF.”

Shawn Michaels Comments on His Wrestling Future, Note on His Hunting Show

- Shawn Michaels was interviewed at the first annual fund raising dinner for The Outdoor Adventure Foundation, Texas Chapter, yesterday. Here’s what he said about his future in wrestling, thanks to

“I’m not going to wrestle again. The only way a 185-pound guy made it in that business is to do something nobody else ever did. The best thing I can do is to stay retired, because nobody ever stays retired. I’ll still be part of the company. You never really get out of the WWE unless you’re wearing concrete shoes at the bottom of the Hudson River, but no more active wrestling.”

Shawn will be appearing on a new hunting TV show this coming June – “Shawn Michaels’ MacMillan River Adventures.”

Saturday, February 19, 2011

New match added to Elimination Chamber

Santino Marella & Vladmir Kozlov will defend their WWE Tag Team Titles tomorrow night at the Elimination Chamber against Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel from the Corre. We will have live coverage starting at 7pm CDT

World Heavyweight Title Update, Orton Giving Away RAW Tickets, Cody Rhodes

- According to WWE, Dolph Ziggler was officially the World Heavyweight Champion before being fired by Teddy Long on SmackDown. When Edge won the belt from him in the main event, Edge became an 11-time World Champion.

- Randy Orton is giving away free tickets to the WWE RAW on March 14th in St. Louis via his Twitter. Orton, who has 8 security cameras outside of his home, caught a young kid running up and ringing his door bell the other night before running off. Orton is offering free tickets to anyone who can identify the kid.

- Cody Rhodes did an interview on last night’s SmackDown and was wearing a clear protective face mask after his storyline reconstructive surgery. Cody talked about how his Road to WrestleMania was delayed because of Rey Mysterio and said he would have an important announcement on next week’s show

John Cena granting a wish

- John Cena will be meeting ten year old Josh Simmons at the February 28th RAW from Buffalo, New York as a part of the Kids Wish Network. Josh suffers from epilepsy and is getting two wishes granted – the meeting with Cena and a job as Deputy in the Oneida County Sheriff’s Department. The Oneida County Police Benevolent Association is giving $500 towards Josh’s trip to meet Cena at RAW.

Friday, February 18, 2011

TNA Lockdown PPV pre-sale Password.

The pre-sale for TNA’s April pay-per-view Lockdown started yesterday at
10AM EST and will run till today at 10PM EST on Fans who
wish to purchase tickets before the general sale can use the password
LOCKDOWN on the ticket website. Tickets go on sale to the general public
tomorrow, February 18 at 10AM EST. Prices are $23, $28, $43, $53, $68, $128
and $153 for ringside. The show takes place at the U.S. Bank Arena in
Cincinnati, Ohio.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Full Roster for "WWE All Stars" Video Game. has an article on the “WWE All Star” Roster at this link:

Wrestlemania 27 planned Main Event

According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, the currently planned main even for the Wrestlemania 27 is The Undertaker vs. Triple H – likely streak vs. retirement with Shawn Michaels serving as the special guest referee. As always, plans are subject to change.

News on Ric Flair, Triple H and Evan Bourne

- WWE hall of famer Ric Flair has been told that his injured rotator cuff will likely require surgery, but “The Nature Boy” is planning on delaying the procedure as long as he can to continue his currently storyline.

- From the believe it or not file, the anonymous General Manager gimmick was originally designed to turn out to be Triple H.

- Evan Bourne is heading to Brazil to do public relations work as WWE is getting ready to open up live events in that country.

(credit: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter)

Today in Wrestling History: Feb. 17

In Memoriam

Today, in 2007, the wrestling world lost 2-time ECW Champion Mike Awesome. He was 42. Awesome was found hanged in his Tampa home by a group of his friends, an apparent suicide

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

SPOILER: UNDERTAKER Returns on 2/21/2011! *Confirmed*


This is from the Fresno Area Cable TV broadcasts. WWE ordered this to stop running immediately after they started the 2/21/2011 commercials!

WWE News & Notes

- One year ago today, WWE aired the final episode of ECW on SyFy. The show saw Ezekiel Jackson defeat Christian to capture the ECW Title. The belt was retired after the show ended.

- Mary sent word that Lilian Garcia was shown on Monday night’s Jimmy Kimmel Live. A member of Jimmy’s staff was trying to interview stars on the red carpet at the Grammy’s and had no luck getting Lilian to stop. Her name was shown on the screen as “Lilah Garcia.”

- WWE has released The Rock’s “I Bring It” t-shirt from RAW as well as re-released old merchandise for him. Also just released on their WWE shop website is a WrestleMania 27 magazine with a look at every match from every previous WrestleMania and a new Sheamus King Laoch Top Rope t-shirt.

- For what it’s worth, Husky Harris has been added back to Florida Championship Wrestling’s roster page. Husky was written off WWE TV for the time being after a punt kick from Randy Orton on RAW recently. There was some rumblings that WWE officials weren’t happy with Husky’s look but were high on his in-ring work.

REPORT: Teen goes missiong after Wrestling Event


Cyrus Aaron Parvizi, a sixteen-year-old from Van Nuys, disappeared on January 29 after attending a wrestling event near LAX. The teenager, who has been missing now for over two weeks, was last seen in front of the Hilton Los Angeles Airport in the 5700 block of West Century Boulevard.

Parvizi does not have a history of running away, reports KTLA, and there is no evidence of foul play according to a statement from the LAPD. On Sunday his family released a photo in an effort to locate the missing teen.

He’s described at 5 feet 8 inches tall, 160 pounds with a medium build and medium complexion. Anyone with information is asked to call detectives at (818) 374-0001.

UPDATE: Borders Bankruptcy interferes with Y2J Signing's

Chris Jericho posted on Twitter:

Just heard due to Borders declaring bankruptcy that the Feb 21 Dallas signing has been cancelled. Sorry guys tryin to arrange a replacement!

Good news is that Torrance and Orlando Borders signings are still on! I’ll also be in Ft Hood Feb 21 at noon. Bring a book and I’ll sign!

Upcoming Chris Jericho Book Signings.

Wednesday, February 16 – 12:00pm
Book signing
100 Broadway
New York, NY

Wednesday, February 16 – 8:00pm
Book Revue
Speaking/Book signing
313 New York Avenue
Huntington, NY

Thursday, February 17 – 7:00pm
Barnes & Noble College Boston University Bookstore
Book signing
660 Beacon Street
Boston, MA

Friday, February 18 – 7:00pm
Enoch Pratt Free Library
Book signing
400 Cathedral Street
Baltimore, MD

Saturday, February 19 – 2:00pm
Barnes & Noble
Book signing
7851 L Tyson's Corner Center
McLean, VA

Sunday, February 20 – 3:00pm
Changing Hands Bookstore
Book signing
6428 South McClintock Drive
Tempe, AZ

Monday, February 21 – 12:00pm
Fort Hood
Book signing
761st Tank Battalion Avenue
Fort Hood, TX

Monday, February 21 – 7:00pm
Book signing
3600 McKinney Avenue
Dallas, TX

Tuesday, February 22 – 7:00pm
Book signing
3700 Torrance Boulevard
Torrance, CA

Thursday, February 24 – 6:00pm
ESPN Zone @ L.A. Live
Book signing
1011 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA

Friday, February 25 – 7:00pm
Barnes & Noble
Book signing
11802 North Dale Mabry Highway
Tampa, FL

Saturday, February 26 – 3:00pm
Book signing
600 North Orlando Avenue
Winter Park, FL

Sunday, February 27 – 1:00pm
Book signing
189 Rathburn Road West
Mississauga, Ontario Canada

600th Smackdown Spoilers!

12 Man EC Tag Match:
Babies beat Heels Edge pinned Ziggler after a spear.

They showed past SD highlights throughout the show.

Vickie Promo: Fires Edge. Edge selling like it’s over. Crowd buying it.

Cody wearing a Mankind-esq mask after his completed reconstructive surgery. Calling out Rey. Big announcement next week.

Layla &Maryse b Eve & Beth Phoenix
Bad. NO ONE cares about Eve. At all.

Non Title: Miz beat Kofi Kingston after Alberto Del Rio distracted Kofi by whipping him with his scarf. He is tremendous.

WWE Tag Team Title Match: Santino & Koslov beat The Corre: Slater and Gabriel. More of an angle. Match went 2 mins then Rest of Corre ran in causing a DQ. Big Show made the save. Teased a Big Show/Zeke angle.

Dolph Ziggler World Title Coronation:
So much heat on Vickie we LITERALLY can’t hear her. Amazing. Who will make the save??? Teddy Long! Declares there will be a match for the title RIGHT NOW vs. Edge. I am unclear if this title change was recognized.

World Heavyweight Championship:
Edge beat Dolph Ziggler with a spear in 5 mins. Chimmel announced as NEW WHC Edge! Teddy back out. Fires Dolph!

Edge Promo: Nanana Goodbye with Confetti celebration. Vickie back out. Dolph back out. Teddy asks security to remove them. Big Show as security knocks out Ziggler and carries him out.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lance Cade Tribute show in San Antonio.

Saturday, March 5 · 7:00pm – 10:00pm

1334 S Flores
San Antonio, TX

Texas Wrestling Academy

UPDATE on The Kings mother passing away

Jim Ross via Twitter:

Condolences to my dear friend Jerry Lawler for the loss of his beloved Mom @ age 90. Services are Wed morning @ 10.

The Kings mother passes away.

Our condolences to Jerry Lawler who’s mother Hazel passed away yesterday afternoon. I believe she was 90. The King will be making funeral arrangements this morning from Memphis so needless to say he won’t be
announcing Raw tonight in Anaheim. He was scheduled to be a big part of the show building to his WWE title match this Sunday against The Miz, reports Mike Aldren.

Huge News Leading Into WrestleMania, Bourne’s Return, Morrison Expected To Be Pushed, More

- Armando Estrada was at the SmackDown taping this past Tuesday for a meeting with WWE officials about a possible return. The former ECW General Manager was last seen in WWE in 2008.

- WrestleMania is among the events that the to-be-built Famers Field in Los Angeles has talked about hosting in the future, according to a story by ESPN. The 64,000-seat stadium is slated to opened in 2015. For more details, visit

- WWE is planning on having the Super Bowl champions, whoever they may be, on one of their shows at some point. If the Green Bay Packers win they will be at SmackDown this Tuesday in Green Bay. If the Pittsburgh Steelers win, they will be at the Pittsburgh Raw on March 21st.

- John Morrison is expected to receive a similar treatment this year that WWE gave to the current WWE Champion, The Miz all of last year. WWE officials are very high on Morrison at the moment and there are plans already in place for him to become a major player on RAW by next year.

- There will be hype videos for the returning Evan Bourne that will begin playing on RAW following the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view, if not sooner. As noted before, Bourne is expected for a huge push once he returns from the injury he suffered in October. His first feud is expected to be with CM Punk.

- The first trainer for the revival of WWE’s Tough Enough reality television show on the USA Network has been confirmed to be Booker T, who recently signed a long-term deal with the company as an announcer/part-time wrestler. The show begins taping next week and will start airing after Monday Night RAW the night after WrestleMania 27.

- The Undertaker is “almost 100% certain” to work WrestleMania this year. WWE Chairman Vince McMahon recently creative with presenting “several options” for Taker to be a major focal point of WrestleMania. As noted before, he is scheduled for a match with Wade Barrett, although if he cannot compete in a singles match, back-up plans indicate he would re-unite with Kane to take on The Corre.

- Current plans call for WWE Hall of Famer Jerry “The King” Lawler to wrestle at WrestleMania 27 from Atlanta. The plans, which are considered “top secret” at the moment, are for Lawler to be involved in some sort of gimmick or handicap match involving Michael Cole. WWE Chairman Vince McMahon feels they have invested so much time and air time into the feud between Cole and Lawler, that they need to get “some sort of payoff or resolution to the investment.” Lawler and Cole will end up in some sort of situation where they “blow off Cole’s heel persona” on the biggest show of the year.

Sources:,, Xcess Newsletter

REPORT: Deal made between WWE & Justin Bieber for Wrestlemania.

According to an article by, a deal has been finalized between Justin Bieber and WWE to have the pop star perform at Wrestlemania 27 on Sunday, April 3 in Atlanta, Georgia.

“Biebermania hits WWE. At last word, Justin Bieber and WWE were close to a deal for him to appear at WWE’s super bowl “Wrestlemania.” We have learned that a deal has been made and Bieber will be performing at the show.”

Monday, February 14, 2011

WWE RAW feedback 2/14/2011

What did everyone think of tonights episode of WWE RAW?

The Rock hosting Wrestlemania 27 and challenging John Cena

UNDERTAKER returning on 2/21/11.

Give us all your feedback.