Sunday, February 20, 2011

WWE Elimination Chamber Coverage: WWE Title Match

- Miz is interviews backstage. He refuses to talk about Rock and says once again Lawler will lose to him tonight.

- Vickie Guerrero is out. She says Smackdown suffered a huge tragedy when Dolph Ziggler was fired. Vickie said Dolph has a uncontrollable temper and he is sorry for what he did to Teddy. Long comes out and says he did re-hire someone but not Dolph. Kelly Kelly comes out and attacks Vickie. Lay-Cool make the save but Trish runs down and nails all of her signature moves on them and then celebrates with Kelly.

(4) WWE Title Match: The Miz (c) vs Jerry Lawler. Lawler is dominating this match early. Cole is very annoying in this match so far. Riley attacks Lawler on the floor from behind and then Miz runs Jerry into the ring post. Superplex from King but Miz kicks out in two. Riley trips Lawler and the referee sees it and sends him to the back. Roll up from King for a near fall. Cole gets in Lawler’s face at ringside and Miz attacks him from behind. Lawler tosses Miz over the announce table and he lands on Cole. Lawler with a flying punch off the second rope for a near fall. Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale but Lawler counters it into a DDT. King pulls down the strap and nails the top rope fist drop but Miz gets his foot on the bottom rope. Lawler goes for the Piledriver but Miz counters it and nails a kick to the face followed by the Skull Crushing Finale for the pin. Michael Cole is going crazy at ringside. Cole in the ring and raises the hand of Miz.

Winner: The Miz

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