Sunday, February 20, 2011

WWE Elimation Chamber Coverage: Del Rio vs. Kingston

- The opening video focuses on the road to Wrestlemania and how violent of a match the Chamber can be.

- Michael Cole welcomes us to the show. He is joined by Josh Matthews and Booker T.

(1) IC Champion Kofi Kingston vs Alberto Del Rio. This is a non-title match. Del Rio puts down Oakland and says Kofi is a piece of trash. Kofi is very over with the fans but there is a section of fans cheering Del Rio. Alberto is dominating things early on. Kofi battles back though and takes control. Del Rio goes for the Cross Arm Breaker but Kofi counters it into the SOS for a near fall. Kofi goes for a cross body off the top but Alberto gets his knees up to counter it. Kofi misses Trouble in Paradise but gets a roll up however the referee is distracted by Ricardo Rodriguez. Kofi goes up top but gets caught with a nasty hanging neckbreaker which drops him right on the back of his head. Del Rio locks in the Cross Arm Breaker and Kingston taps out. Good match to kick off the show.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

- Edge is interviewed backstage. He talks about the EC match until he interrupted by Drew McIntyre who blames him for Kelly Kelly getting fired.

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