Tuesday, February 22, 2011

RAW Results 2/21/2011

- A graphic is shown that says 2.21.11 with a countdown clock that seems to end around the 10pm EDT time.

- John Cena is out to a mixed reaction as usual. A Rocky chant breaks out. Cena talks about last week and says he does not know what to say. He says he was going to let him slide because he is The Rock. Cena wants to see the footage again so they show what The Rock had to say about him again from last week. Cena says he may not have done it in a long time but he still does have a degree in Thuganomics. Cena cuts a rap on Rock ripping on his movies and the fact that he left WWE.

(1) CM Punk vs John Morrison. Both men are limping to the ring selling the effects of the Chamber last night. Punk works over the knee of Morrsion. Punk wins with the GTS.

- Punk cuts a promo on Orton. He says Nexus has the night off and tells Randy to just walk away. He threatens Orton not to show up next week. Orton runs down and attacks Punk but he runs away to the aid of Nexus who are in fact there.

- Alberto Del Rio comes out and Kofi Kingston attacks him on the ramp. Ricardo Rodriguez gets involved allowing Del Rio to put Kofi in the cross arm breaker.

- Miz is out with Riley he rips on Rock and talks about facing Cena at Mania. The GM dings in a announces Miz and Cena will take on the Corre for the Tag Team Titles later tonight.

(2) Gail Kim & Eve vs The Bella Twins. The Bellas switch behind the referees back and get the win.

- The house from the 2.21.11 promos is shown and a countdown starts at 20 and continues down to one. Undertaker steps out of the house and when cut back to the arena and he is standing on the stage. Taker does his full entrance and as he takes his hat off the music of Triple H hits and he comes out to a huge ovation. They have a stare down and Triple H gives Taker a crotch chop and Taker does the throat slash and we go to commercial break. Neither man spoke in the segment.

**Note** I am trying hard to keep this updated but the website is still having issues. If I missed anything I am sorry.

(3) Mark Henry vs Sheamus. Henry wins with the Worlds Strongest Slam.

- Michael Cole is in the ring and calls out Jerry Lawler. He asks him about last night and mentions Lawler’s mom which should have not been included in this. Lawler goes after Cole who tosses water in his face and runs.

- Lawler is now on commentary with Josh Matthews.

(4) WWE Tag Team Title Match: The Corre (c) vs The Miz & John Cena. Miz pins Gabriel easy with the Skull Crushing Finale so once again we have feuding partners for the one millionth time.

- Wade Barrett says they are going to invoke their rematch clause for the titles right now.

(5) WWE Tag Team Title Match: The Miz & John Cena (c) vs The Corre. Now this is stupid. Miz turns on Cena and Gabriel and Slater win back the belts.

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